Saturday, December 30, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006
So, we went to a Christmas party tonight. If was one for the MFT program so I knew only three people there. Well, ok, technically four I think, Me, The Princess, Holly and Becky. I guess I also knew Jim and his wife and maybe one or two others. Ok, so eight tops. At this party they have a tradition for first time visitors. They have to sing, in front of everyone. So, me and The Princess get up and we do our number. We chose to sing a jazz number called Moon Faced and Starry Eyed. I hate doing things in front of other people. Anything where I have to speak in front of a large group, I hate it. The more I know about it before hand the more it eats away at me. It burns in my belly sending the nervousness to the outer reaches of my body. Days of building up tension. When we start the singing portion of the evening my heart starts to race, my hands go clammy, and I start to sweet a little. It is all I can do to keep myself from vomiting up everything I just ate. Argh, I hate this. Even afterwards it is still there, it did not go away. So, I left. I had to get out of there and away from all those people. I am feeling a little better now. Not much, but a little.
I am not the man I once was. I am not the man I want to be.
I am not the man I once was. I am not the man I want to be.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Well, work has been going ok. The only problem is that one of my lackies has decided to quit. I need to definitly find a replacement and quick. So, Josh and anybody else, please send me a resume tonight. Tomorrow morning I am going to put something in to the IT department at HU and see if what comes from that. I called over to the Computer Science department, but they said that it sounded like something that was better suited for the IT department. Oh well, that is what you get some times. Yeah, well, not much else is going on here. Just waiting for Christmas and all the travel that entails. Later peeps.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
ark_keeper said...
Death of a blog. Tonight at 7.
Ok, so maybe I have been a little negligent with my blog. That is ok, right. I mean it just sits here like an obedient little dog who waits, and waits, and waits for the master to come home and I am definitly master of my domain. Or something like that. Anyway, this has been a hectic month for me. This will be the first Saturday that I am at home in November. Err, except that it will be December. Oh sweet. Friday night we are soooo going to LR for Dinner and a Bank Deposit. Maybe we can squeeze in a movie as well. I do not know what is playing this weekend, but i know a nice theater and a great BBQ place to hit, so maybe that will be our plans for this Friday night. Ok, maybe not Friday night, it depends on when I get my paycheck. The company has to mail me my check, but they should get them in the office on Thursday and then get mailed out to me, hopefully I will get it on Saturday. Then we can go and deposit my check and The Princess' christmas money and eat some dinner and watch some movie. Yipee.
What else have I been up to. Well, there was the trip to Puerto Rico(ok, almost the last time I rub that in your faces). Then the next weekend I drove up to Lexington for a volleyball tournament at UK that we lost. Of course there was the other team that we beat so we were not the losingist losers, but still we did pretty bad. Also, there was the team that, well, let us just say that they were fond of the company of men. We figured that gave them an unfair advantage, you can have a very tight nit team when you have all that bonding going on. Anyway. In Lexington there is this restaurant called Rafferty's and it has the best steak ever. So, even though we lost at volleyball, we won at eating. Then this past weekend we were in South Dakota to visit my in-laws. I like my in-laws. They are a nice family who, for the most part, get along pretty well. We eat a lot when I am up there and the past couple of times we have gone out shooting. Boy, do I like to shoot guns. I am always a little timid when I start because I do not remember what all the buttons are for and what order I have to do things and I do not want to kill anyone, because that would be a bad holiday. Well, now I am back at work, just working away. Well, I think it is about time for lunch so I will talk at you later.
Death of a blog. Tonight at 7.
Ok, so maybe I have been a little negligent with my blog. That is ok, right. I mean it just sits here like an obedient little dog who waits, and waits, and waits for the master to come home and I am definitly master of my domain. Or something like that. Anyway, this has been a hectic month for me. This will be the first Saturday that I am at home in November. Err, except that it will be December. Oh sweet. Friday night we are soooo going to LR for Dinner and a Bank Deposit. Maybe we can squeeze in a movie as well. I do not know what is playing this weekend, but i know a nice theater and a great BBQ place to hit, so maybe that will be our plans for this Friday night. Ok, maybe not Friday night, it depends on when I get my paycheck. The company has to mail me my check, but they should get them in the office on Thursday and then get mailed out to me, hopefully I will get it on Saturday. Then we can go and deposit my check and The Princess' christmas money and eat some dinner and watch some movie. Yipee.
What else have I been up to. Well, there was the trip to Puerto Rico(ok, almost the last time I rub that in your faces). Then the next weekend I drove up to Lexington for a volleyball tournament at UK that we lost. Of course there was the other team that we beat so we were not the losingist losers, but still we did pretty bad. Also, there was the team that, well, let us just say that they were fond of the company of men. We figured that gave them an unfair advantage, you can have a very tight nit team when you have all that bonding going on. Anyway. In Lexington there is this restaurant called Rafferty's and it has the best steak ever. So, even though we lost at volleyball, we won at eating. Then this past weekend we were in South Dakota to visit my in-laws. I like my in-laws. They are a nice family who, for the most part, get along pretty well. We eat a lot when I am up there and the past couple of times we have gone out shooting. Boy, do I like to shoot guns. I am always a little timid when I start because I do not remember what all the buttons are for and what order I have to do things and I do not want to kill anyone, because that would be a bad holiday. Well, now I am back at work, just working away. Well, I think it is about time for lunch so I will talk at you later.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Ok, well, it has taken me until today to get caught up with my catch-up list. So finally I am now almost caught up. In celebration of this feat, I am going to upload a picture of the Yacht club I was at.

Hurray, now you can look on in amazment with the knowledge that I spent 9 hours a day in their office after which I hurried to my hotel room where I continued to work. Staying out of the sun and staying in the A/C. What a great way to experience Puerto Rico.

Hurray, now you can look on in amazment with the knowledge that I spent 9 hours a day in their office after which I hurried to my hotel room where I continued to work. Staying out of the sun and staying in the A/C. What a great way to experience Puerto Rico.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Well, I am back in the great 48 today. I survived four days of terror and misinformation and I hope I came out on top. This was probably the most difficult installation/setup I have ever done. ***Warning I am about to whine and complain about my stressful week in Puerto Rico*** First, my companies software requires QuickBooks(QB) to run. Because of this all of our customers have to be running QB. Well, this new marina was a new installation and they will be transferring all of their info, by hand, into the system. Well, Intuit,the company that makes QB, decided to screw me and not send my the installation codes inorder to install this important software. So, I get there and I install our software and wait for the codes. Oh wait, when they said they were shipping them to us over night last Friday, what they really meant was that they were going to set the box on a table and do jack. That is ok though, because we were able to get a new set of codes over the phone and I was able to have everything installed by the end of day one. On Day two I discovered that QB now has a brand spanking new database manager that needs to be installed to make everything work properly. Well, no one told me. Oh yeah, and the installation did not run properly, so I had to hack around in the admin tools to fix the bad install. The second hurdle of day two was the virus software NOD32, which is a very impressive virus software, but it kills the communication that QB does. Again after several hours on the phone with Intuit we finally got it working. Day 3, we start some training. I go through the property managment side of things and everything kinda work ok, except now our software will not open up on all of the workstations. Fantastic. So I spend the rest of the afternoon trying to figure that out. Several hours on the phone with intuit later, the office assitant tells me that there is an update for QB. Ok, this is the newest version(7.0, as in 2007) and this is actually the 3rd update so far. Wow, R&D people, R&D. well, we get that all worked out and on the fourth day I sat down with two of the people and we went through and answered their questions and trained as much as I could***Thus ends my stressful week*** After we were done in the office last night, we went out to eat. The first place we tried was a little Mexican restaurant downtown. Well, that restaurant no longer serves food. That is ok, and it does not stop us from getting our drink on. Well, ok I guess it was on, but we did have a margarita. Then we headed over to another mexican restaurant and ate some seriously good food and had another margarita, but I went with the strawberry variaty. Let it be know, that I do not typically drink, but there is just something about being in a foreign country and when I am not in America is the only time I have ever really had a drink, so these margaritas were more then enough to get me giddy. Then back to the room to call the wife, go to bed, wake up, eat leftover mexican food and head home. Except my plane flight was not scheduled for today, but for tomorrow. Blessedly, I was able to change my first flight time to today for no extra fee. My other three flights were scheduled for today, so it was a good thing that I was able to change it. For future reference the Orlando airport has free wireless that if full access, you do not get this in Little Rock, Atlanta, or Cinncinati, which are three airports I frequent. If I can remember I will post some pictures from my trip. Mostly of my planes, I think my next flight is a 747 or something, it has seven seats across and is probly the largest plane I have been on. Atleast until my next trip(Dominic Republic???) or our trip to France in the spring. Man, I really am blessed. Oh yeah, I think I am going to start learning Spanish. The reason for this is the fact that I feel like I am suppose to speak spanish. I will try to expain. When in spanish speaking countries I pick up a couple of the common words, Buinos Dias, Hola, Como esta, things like that. The problem comes when I try to use them, once I get to the end of the words I know, there is nothing and it is a pretty sick feeling to want to say something but have no words and no way to make up words(which I do ALOT). Anyway, I am going to try to watch a movie with sub-titles, I think my laptop speakers went out on me. Grrrrr. Later.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Ok, I am still here in Puerto Rico. I am watching tv and I have seen some interesting things. On one station there is rooster fighting. I mean this ESPN of the islands or something CRAZY. On the other station I now know the terrible things serveral senators have done in kentucky and georgia and idaho through the commercials of their competitors. A nice little mix of mainland and island. Later.
I just wanted to post and let everyone know I am doing ok here in PUERTO RICO. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I think it was 80 something today. Very nice day outside. Anyway, I will take some pictures of stuff with my phone and post them when I get home. I think I have to pay for internet access here at the hotel, so I will probly not post for the rest of the week. Ya'll have a good one. I know I will. HEHEHEHE. Hey, I am watching president bush in Arkansas in Puerto Rica. Now that is funny.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Ok, this post is mainly for Josh and Noah. While I was speaking to my boss yesterday, he asked if I knew anybody in the area(meaning VA) that would be good for hiring. I said I did not know, but would put feelers out. Then I said, wait you mean here here or there here. Oh, he replies, I guess here here and there here. So, hook me up you two, I left my fax number in your comments. I do not know if you can, but can you delete those comments after you send me that info. If it is possible, I want my number sitting around as little as possible. If not, then that is ok. Or, if you are not looking for anything in the job market. Also, this has the potential to be a pretty perminant job(if it is even available at all, it is possible my boss does not even remember the conversation). I mean like a retire from job, or at the least wait until our staff doubles before leaving us in the dust for a greatter and better kind of thing job. Of course the whole, only having an office here for two years, might make that interesting when it all comes down to it. Also, I can not guarantee that I will be working with this company for that long. I have no intentions of quiting, it is the farthest thing from my mind, but you never know what tomorrow will bring. Anyway, I will talk to you guys later about this. Do not get your hopes up, this is only the scarcest of chances that anything will come from this, but I have to strike while the iron is hot.
Ok, I do a fair amount of internet browsing. I am also a ginourmous LOST fan. So, very frequently I come across things on the internet that combine these two. That is why I have brought you here today. This is kinda spoilery for last weeks episode(incase you havent' seen it), but it is pretty funny. Also, I did not do this it comes from I am in no way endorsing any of his/her other material, but the LOST comic he/she puts up on saturdays is usually pretty funny. Ok, here we go.
Well, scratch that. I guess you will just have to be satisified with a link. So, without further ado, The Lost Scene from LOST
Well, scratch that. I guess you will just have to be satisified with a link. So, without further ado, The Lost Scene from LOST
Monday, October 30, 2006
Ok, so I spent some money and I got a data cable for our phones. This main reason for this was so I could hack the phone and figure out how to put ringtones on there. I can, with some software, splice mp3s so they are the proper length, but I can not get them as ringtones, yet. This is a lead up to the fact that I am going to be able to post pictures off my phone. So, here is a first of hopefully many, but not to many, picture posts.
This is my office. You may notice that it is very blue carpeted. That is ok, because on Casual Friday, I am usually not wearing any shoes. Hurray for being the branch manager.

This is a picture of Pocky at Wal-mart. Not really important.

Almost finally, here is a poor picture of The Princess.

And finally, what I did on Thursday to waste some time. This did not come off my phone, but from the good people at HomeStarRunner and a little effort from myself. The two guys are suppose to be holding a sandwich.
This is my office. You may notice that it is very blue carpeted. That is ok, because on Casual Friday, I am usually not wearing any shoes. Hurray for being the branch manager.

This is a picture of Pocky at Wal-mart. Not really important.

Almost finally, here is a poor picture of The Princess.

And finally, what I did on Thursday to waste some time. This did not come off my phone, but from the good people at HomeStarRunner and a little effort from myself. The two guys are suppose to be holding a sandwich.

Sunday, October 29, 2006
It has been a pretty good weekend. Both days were beautiful and I was able to get out of the house and be in the beauty both days. If you do not know, this weekend was homecoming weekend here at the local university. Because of this several of my friends were in town. Also, they do this thing in the GAC where all the social clubs have a booth and the alumni can come by and see what their old groups have been up to. See how they have changed for the better or for the worse. Well, I got a call from my boy, who shall remain nameless at this point, that he was over there and so were some other friends(B and Rach). So I put some clothes on a trundeled over there in order to see them. Well, I went inside and ended up stopping by the ATE both and seeing the new guys. It was a definite ego boost for me, because when I told them my name they were like, wowzer mcbowezer you are that guy. A definite ego boost. Oh and thanks to whoever laid down some great legends about me. Unfortunatly, there was a down side. Some young upstart by the name of twinkie beat my minor date record. He had ~1070. Well, they did have a football game during the week and I know that helped him out a lot, but all is fair game during rough week, so I congratulate you twinkie. So we talked for a little bit and I gave the current president my phone number because I still live here in town and I just sit around alot of the time. Maybe something interesting will come of it, maybe not. But it was nice to meet the next gen and to see that they were still all sitting at the table getting a face full(of food you pervert), just like we would have been :) Then I headed outside, because that is where the three amigos were standing, in search of some old faces. Ahh, it was good to see B and Rach again. We decided that it would be a good time to head on over to Charlie's. I had a good time at Charlie's and enjoyed some really good super pizza. Then I played some PirateKing'sOnline and uped my guy a level while killing off the next guy in the quest. Then we went to the musical. I have never seen Fidler on the Roof, but it was not to bad. The singing was not the best, the musicians were not the best and I do not think it was the best musical I have seen, but I was twice as long as a movie and only a dollar more. Then today, we got an extra hour of day light savings time. HUZZAH. We went to church at Cloverdale and I think that is probably where we are going to go while we are here. We really have not felt at home at any of the churches we have go to so far here in town. The closest was Covenant, but with the snake handeling I think it was a little much. After church we were catching up on Prison Break when Tony called and I went to go play some basketball over at the Academy. The Princess has two papers that she has been working on and they are due soon, so that is where a lot of her time is going. After I sucked at basketball for an hour and a half, I went home and read a book and ate dinner. Then it was off to our Sunday night bible study which was nice, if not a little unguided this evening. We talked about finances and other struggles that a newleywed couple comes across. Mostly they were issues that me and The Princess have worked through, but I thought it was potentially encouraging for the others. Now I am home and writing about all the glorious things I did this weekend. Oh, by the way, if there is anyone in LR who might have a place where one might sleep/stay this saturday night please let me know. It would also be nice if one could get a ride to the airport at 4:30AMish because I have a flight that leaves at 6:00amish, I think. I will have to double check, but that is going to be a long, multicultural day for me. It has been my experience that flying into the country is much more stressfull then flying out of the country. This is probly due to the fact that I fly into toursit areas and they do not care what you bring with you, but America cares what you bring back. Man, customs is intimidating. Although, I think it might not be so bad this time because I am going to an American Territory.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Well, let us clean the dust off of this one. Good gravy I have been out of it for a while. I apologize that I have not posted on here for several weeks. Needless to say, you either decided I was dead or figured I was in some kind of funk that was causing me to veg out infront of my computer the moment I walked into my house every evening. Well, the second one is more accurate. I have been in a bit of a funk, maybe it is because there is less sunlight during the day or something. I do not know. Anyway, I got a data cable for our phones so I should be able to drop some pictures in here soon. I am still trying to figure out how to upload a song so it can become a ring tone, but I will get it eventually. Nothing else really to say right now. Just working away in my office. Slaving away for the man. Oh yeah, I am going to be slaving away for the man in Puerto Rico in two weeks. Yep, my hotel is a casino, but really I am going to look for a decent arcade, maybe they will have DDR there or something, I know the last time I was in a foreign country I spent more on the arcade then the casino.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
I do not know if I have mentioned this before, but I am a LOST fan. So much so, that I got up early this morning to watch it online, because there is a serious church conflict now that we are CST. And church takes a priority over a tv show. Anyway, I am going to try and watch it again this afternoon/evening and I will probly write out my thoughts here. So, back to the grind.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
I am at work. Huzzah. The nice thing is I got paid today. Not only did I get paid, but I got PAAAIIIIDDD. Which, basicly, means I got my reimbersment check for my first month in this office. Now I just need to figure who's grubby little hands I need to put next months check into. Then it will be good. So, the last two weekends have been pretty nice. Two weekends ago Josh was here in town for a fish fry at a local church and since he was here we hung out all day on Saturday. We went to Bobby's for breakfast, and let me tell you, I do not think there is a better breakfast on the planet then Bobby's. And one of the great things about it is that the restaurant is smoke free. Does it make a big difference to me, no not reall, I would eat their even if it was not smoke free, but it was nice. And the biscits and the gravey **Dies**. Then to ThackerLand where I ended up buying a hatchet and forgetting to buy a bat. Oh well. We then hit another flea market, Hastings, GameStop, the other game place and the Tractor Supply Outlet, where I got a rake and a pick-ax. We then watched Kiss,Kiss,Bang,Bang which was hillarious and then it was time for Fish Fry. So josh wondered out the door and our good friend Scott came by very unexpectidly. He dropped off a couple of books and then ate dinner with us and we went to go see Monster House, which was actually pretty creppy good. I made it through the week and we got to finish off Fruits Basket, that is one crazy anime and apparently the first season only covers the first eight managa, so there might be a second season on down the line. I also watched Man on Fire which was a decent movie, but I feel that it was a meh performance by Denziel, it just did not do it for me. I also watched the first DVD of the FireFly series, pretty good, I enjoy it, reminds me alot of Hercules and Xena, but better. ALso, I love the space shots where the camera zooms in and out to get better focus. It is the simple things that impress me. Then this last weekend on Saturday we ended up at Gilliam Farm where it was Free Day and they had beef stew, chili, hotdogs, BBQ and all sorts of desserts. The big attraction was that you could pick all the Muskadines that you wanted. And I did, I brought home none of them. That was followed by driving to Bentonville and then Jonesboro to spend time with some friends and eat some really good steak. Sunday was church at Pineview, both times we have been there now have been guest speakers. I am begging to worry, we had really hoped to find a church that we could become very involved with. We want to take it seriously and give as much as we get, but so far we have not been able to find that place. We are doing a bible study on Sunday nights with a group of people from Covenant, and that is nice, but I think we might visit the West Pleasure Church of Christ this week, followed by a trip out to RoseBud Church of Christ. Hmm, I wonder if Church is suppose to be capitalized or not. That might offend someone. Oh well. So, that should catch everyone up on what is going on in our lives. I am working on creating a budget this week. Based on our expenses since we moved here, we should be able to find out if I can do some extra things, or if I need to get a part time job.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Ok, it was a long week and last weekend was a blast. I will write out a detailed post later. I just wanted everyone to know that I am still alive.
Friday, September 22, 2006
I am listening to the radio here at work this morning. Ahh, I enjoy the solo office experience. Sure, it gets a little boring in the late afternoon, but really, it is a good experience. So, the radio, every now and again they run some news shorts to keep all the listeners up to date. Well, they just said that McDonalds is looking at possibly making their Breakfast menu and all day thing. *DIES*. Holy Crud, bacon/egg/cheese McGriddles anytime of the day. Danger Will Robinson. We could be in trouble here. Also, I am starting TaeKwonDo(sp?) on Monday. Yep, I am going to get off my butt and learn something while I am here. Make myself a better/in shape kind of person instead of the circle of a man I am right now. Ok, maybe not a circle, but I am up almost 70 pounds from when most everybody saw me last. Again, that brings me up to an almost acceptable weight, I guess I was kinda skin and bone at one point, well, there is definitly more of me to love now. Wait, I did not mean it like that, stop being dirty. The Princess has a girls day out tomorrow, so I will probably be at home tomorrow desperate for something to do. Vacuming and cleaning the house.
I like Fridays. I have decided that the midwest branch is going to have a casual Friday. This means that during the week I wear my typical office attire, pants(usually jeans, sometimes slacks), a button down shirt, and some nice shoes. Then on Friday I get to wear whatever I want. Like today for instance, I am wearing a GATA shirt, some jeans and sandals. I think this will keep me from slacking off the rest of the week and keep me on mark for not losing my job. And I do not want to lose my job.
So, apparently there was some conservative radio guy here in town yesterday. He did his t.v. and radio show from the campus. My boss listens to this guy and when the radio guy said thanks to the school he was like KWAAAA, and then he called me and told me this morning about it. Crazy, I had completely forgoten about it. I think he may have had a lecture as well, I was kinda hoping to go to that. Oh well. I wonder what is playing at the rialto this weekend.
Speaking of movies. Netflix, yeah, ok, why does it take three days for my DVD to get there and one day to get back. What is the deal with that? I think it is because they do not get our mail from house until four in the afternoon. I am going to start dropping them off at the post office in hopes of it getting out of S-town quicker. We will see. So, We rented Akaale and the Bee, Sentinal, Sybil, Fruits Basket vol 3. AatB was really really good, I think I mentioned that before. Also, The Sentinal was a pretty good suspense, to bad they revieled everything to early and the end was meh. Sybil, I watched this once in high school, it is about multiple personalities and The Princess needed to watch it for school. Then Fruits Basket vol 3., we watched this last night. For half of the first episode I could not figure out why they had changed the voice actors and that the voices were so very very wrong. Then The Princess pointed out that we were listening to it in Japanese and that we had watched the first two vol. in English,wow what a difference. That series is getting crazier and crazier, I do not know if I can handel the fourth DVD, but that should be the last one and it should be here shortly. I hope, mail man move fast. Um, I think that is all I have for now. Love and Peace.
I like Fridays. I have decided that the midwest branch is going to have a casual Friday. This means that during the week I wear my typical office attire, pants(usually jeans, sometimes slacks), a button down shirt, and some nice shoes. Then on Friday I get to wear whatever I want. Like today for instance, I am wearing a GATA shirt, some jeans and sandals. I think this will keep me from slacking off the rest of the week and keep me on mark for not losing my job. And I do not want to lose my job.
So, apparently there was some conservative radio guy here in town yesterday. He did his t.v. and radio show from the campus. My boss listens to this guy and when the radio guy said thanks to the school he was like KWAAAA, and then he called me and told me this morning about it. Crazy, I had completely forgoten about it. I think he may have had a lecture as well, I was kinda hoping to go to that. Oh well. I wonder what is playing at the rialto this weekend.
Speaking of movies. Netflix, yeah, ok, why does it take three days for my DVD to get there and one day to get back. What is the deal with that? I think it is because they do not get our mail from house until four in the afternoon. I am going to start dropping them off at the post office in hopes of it getting out of S-town quicker. We will see. So, We rented Akaale and the Bee, Sentinal, Sybil, Fruits Basket vol 3. AatB was really really good, I think I mentioned that before. Also, The Sentinal was a pretty good suspense, to bad they revieled everything to early and the end was meh. Sybil, I watched this once in high school, it is about multiple personalities and The Princess needed to watch it for school. Then Fruits Basket vol 3., we watched this last night. For half of the first episode I could not figure out why they had changed the voice actors and that the voices were so very very wrong. Then The Princess pointed out that we were listening to it in Japanese and that we had watched the first two vol. in English,wow what a difference. That series is getting crazier and crazier, I do not know if I can handel the fourth DVD, but that should be the last one and it should be here shortly. I hope, mail man move fast. Um, I think that is all I have for now. Love and Peace.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
So, it is the weekend. Yesterday my wife calls me at four and asks if I think we should go camping this weekend. Sure, I guess so, camping is not so much my thing, but I usually have a good time when I go. So, She gets a hold of some friends and we head on out to Heber. Of course It is around 6:30 when we leave Searcy, so we get to Heber around 7:30 and, well, it is pretty dark by then, but we did find a nice spot, put up the tent found some burnables, made a fire, cooked dinner, paid for the night and went to sleep. Not to shabby for getting in so late. Then this morning we went for a hike around the trails, cleaned up, packed up, and went swimming. Then we headed home arriving back here at around 1:45. Not to bad of a weekend adventure, of course our weekend was not over yet. We still had to build a fence for our dog. Off to Lowe's it is. Oh yeah, before we left for Lowe's we had received a phone call about pudding or something. Apparently a good friend of ours is/was in town this weekend, but we missed him, maybe. Of course I tried to call him back, but no response, so I let him know that it is rude to leave a message and then not be available when the message-e(the one receiving a message) gives a call back. But, unlike most of my customers I know, use the message machine, just leave a note saying anything. Anyway, at Lowe's we picked up the fencing and the poles and the tie-ons and were headed home. We built a fence and are almost done, but apparently we have a large slab or cement in one part of our yard, possibly an old pattio under several inches of dirt, that is causing a problem. Our first movies from Netflix showed up yesterday, so I got to watch one of them this today. Akeela and the Bee. It was actually a really good movie. The Princess had already seen it and said she liked it a lot, so I figured I would use our first movie as a "peace offering" but I came to find that I really enjoyed it as well. It gave you that excited suspensful feeling in your chest, but it was clean. Like when you go watch a professional game of some sort and one of the teams is important to you. The time is running out and it is a tied game, so tense and so exciting. Very enjoyable. I thought the acting was very good as well, sometimes kids actors are not so good, but she did alright. Earlier this week we also watched Turtles Can Fly. It is a foreign film about a little town in the middle east just before Desert Shield/Storm. It has nothing to do with the war and is actually very sad to watch. Interesting and intriguing, but sad. One part I enjoyed is the fact that none of the actors have ever been before a camera before. It is really funny, because one of the kids yells all his lines. hehe. Well, I guess it is time for bed. Good night and good luck.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
I just signed up for NetFlix today. After being in Searcy for almost two weeks, I realize that I am going to have a large amount of usable time on my hands. That, and the fact that our television gets about one and a half channels have combined to drive me to try the two week free trial. Oh, and that one and a half channels is split up about sixty-fourty between ABC and FOX and depending on the time of day, the type of car that is driving down the road and if my neighbors decide to eat dinner at their table sometimes FOX comes in better then ABC. Another way I plan on spending my time is either with Guitar Lesson or TaeKwonDo or something else, I do not know yet. I still need to get around town and see what the different places charge and class times and things like that. For Guitar Lessons I just have to find someone who is willing to teach me. Oh yeah, and a guitar. I figure those probably will not be to hard to find. I also have thought about taking up Golf, but I think it can be pretty expensive to play and you have to buy your own clubs. Of course ThackerLand could definitly help with that. Oh sweet ThackerLand. Anyway, if anyone else is on NetFlix and wants to friend up I would be more then happy to share my opinons and what not. Of course if no one wants to be my friend I will just talk to myself. Alot. Just like my day in the office, except I will be at home, or on a street corner with a cardboard sign. Whatever.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Ah, Monday. Let us see, what is different this week. This week, there is much less early morning coffee in my system, there is much less background music, and the walls are all white. But, I don't get odd looks from the staff, my internet connection is a bit more predictable, and I have a fax machine. Now that my office is setup I will be spending a lot less time running around Searcy and a lot more time sitting in my office staring out the window at Mi Ranchito. I sure hope I don't get fired in the first month. :) Of course, I still have plenty of work to get done, and I am hopeing to actually get some programming finished. The communication between this office and the main office is still a little shaky, but I am sure we will work something out.
After this weekend, I think I am going to start working out. I kind of have to ideas in mind. Either hook up with the Rock Gym or possibly TaeKwonDo(sp?). It really depends on how much each costs and what the times are and blah blah blah. But I really want to get off me duff and work out.
Oh yeah, I sort of have a gotee, but really it is just a trial bases kinda thing. Not sure how long it will last. I might be able to get a picture on here. I just need to get a hold of a mini-usb cable. Walmart here I come.
After this weekend, I think I am going to start working out. I kind of have to ideas in mind. Either hook up with the Rock Gym or possibly TaeKwonDo(sp?). It really depends on how much each costs and what the times are and blah blah blah. But I really want to get off me duff and work out.
Oh yeah, I sort of have a gotee, but really it is just a trial bases kinda thing. Not sure how long it will last. I might be able to get a picture on here. I just need to get a hold of a mini-usb cable. Walmart here I come.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Midnight Oil this morning, Underground this afternoon. If you stop by I will probably say hello. Maybe not, I might ignore you completely. I am wearing an stripped orange shirt and I am ten feet tall, according to some high schooler sitting on a couch over there. Anyway, tomorrow I should be getting my phone number and DSL. Hurray, then I will be settled into my office. I hope.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Right now I am at Midnight Oil. Sitting outside on their balcony, enjoying the nice fall morning and a grande cup of coffee. But really, I am working. Working, working, working, oh the horror that is my life. For real though, I want to get into my office, but there is no phone there and no internet access till Friday at the earliest, and what happens in the office yesterday? Three customers call in and start yelling and complaining and hanging up the phone on people. Yeah, great, now I have to help rehab these people from the coffee house and I am sure everyone here wants to know their financial problems that have been going on for months and just now started telling us. Well, ok, maybe not just now, maybe one of them was from a month ago and the other one has never been satisified with the software and the third was expecting a call back last week on an issue. But still, I am sitting at midnight oil, working, hard. No, really I am. Well, except for this post. Well, back to the coal mines. :)
Monday, September 04, 2006
And I am Home. WHEEEE.
It was along grooling drive, then my brother and pre-sister-in-law came to visit. Then we went to a wedding of a good friend. At this wedding I saw several people that I knew when I was in school. I also saw several GATA girls. I think? Because the wedding was on campus the Aramark staff was there, and I think it can be safely assumend that several of the girls on the Aramark staff are GATA. I also met a guy who knew me, but whom I had never met. Oddly enough, he knew me as shiny pants guy and never knew my name until Saturday morning. Ahhh, my college escapades live on. MUAHAHAHA. THen dinner at Charlie's and some more hanging out with my brother. Sunday involved us going to church. We ended up going to the late service, so it was some really nice singing, but the preacher was overly aggressive, raising his voice un-necisarilly and then makeing everything real quiet like. Not my cup of tea, but we are planning on trying the early service, class and sunday/wednesday nights before we decide to go somewhere else. Today, I mowed the lawn, spread pesticides, watered the pesticides and I am now sitting in Midnight Oil drinking a Mr. Blonde Milkshake, mmmm, definitly a favorite of mine. ALso, working on paying some bills, as our phone orders have been screwed up and they keep sending us the wrong phone and we have no DSL on our phone bill. Silly phone company. Hopefully we will be able to get that handeled tomorrw, when their offices are open. Well, I have to go dig a hole and clean the gutters. I'll write later, when I can steal internet access again.
Oh yeah, does anyone know if there is really free wi-fi in the parks???
It was along grooling drive, then my brother and pre-sister-in-law came to visit. Then we went to a wedding of a good friend. At this wedding I saw several people that I knew when I was in school. I also saw several GATA girls. I think? Because the wedding was on campus the Aramark staff was there, and I think it can be safely assumend that several of the girls on the Aramark staff are GATA. I also met a guy who knew me, but whom I had never met. Oddly enough, he knew me as shiny pants guy and never knew my name until Saturday morning. Ahhh, my college escapades live on. MUAHAHAHA. THen dinner at Charlie's and some more hanging out with my brother. Sunday involved us going to church. We ended up going to the late service, so it was some really nice singing, but the preacher was overly aggressive, raising his voice un-necisarilly and then makeing everything real quiet like. Not my cup of tea, but we are planning on trying the early service, class and sunday/wednesday nights before we decide to go somewhere else. Today, I mowed the lawn, spread pesticides, watered the pesticides and I am now sitting in Midnight Oil drinking a Mr. Blonde Milkshake, mmmm, definitly a favorite of mine. ALso, working on paying some bills, as our phone orders have been screwed up and they keep sending us the wrong phone and we have no DSL on our phone bill. Silly phone company. Hopefully we will be able to get that handeled tomorrw, when their offices are open. Well, I have to go dig a hole and clean the gutters. I'll write later, when I can steal internet access again.
Oh yeah, does anyone know if there is really free wi-fi in the parks???
Monday, August 28, 2006
Not so busy as bored. Today is the day MLKJ gave his famous speech. Here is a picture of it. or maybe not. Wheee. I will try to break out of my boredom/depression to put up a decent post this evening. Maybe.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Ten more days until I get to see The Princess again. I am glad I am not in the military because I think I might just go crazy without being able to see The Princess for that long. I have a secret plan though. I plan of suprise for The Princess. MUAHAHA, she will not see it coming either and then BLAHM, SUPRISE. I hope she likes it.
For all the years that I was in college and for the time before and after that we travelled west on I-40, we have always gone one path. Drving through the Blue Ridge Mountains. Well, this last time that we went, we decided to drive through the Smokey Mountains. Yes, they are both part of the Appalachian Mountain Range, but every state calls them something different. Arkansas calls them the Ozarks, but I think ultimatly the mountains are all the same range with different names for different sections. Also, in Virginia I think they have named a lot of the mountains. Why? I do not know, but it makes hikeing a little more directional. Anyway, what I wanted to say was that this new path goes through North Carolina. And North Carolina means CHEERWINE. So, part of my evil cross country adventure involves stopping to get several bottles of CHEERWINE. For those that do not know, CHEERWINE is a carbonated beverage with a slight red color and a nice cherry taste. Not too cherry, but just enough. It is sooo good. Well, The Princess has never tasted the joy of CHEERWINE, so I intend on picking up a couple for me and a couple for her. I am so considerate, and humble too.
For all the years that I was in college and for the time before and after that we travelled west on I-40, we have always gone one path. Drving through the Blue Ridge Mountains. Well, this last time that we went, we decided to drive through the Smokey Mountains. Yes, they are both part of the Appalachian Mountain Range, but every state calls them something different. Arkansas calls them the Ozarks, but I think ultimatly the mountains are all the same range with different names for different sections. Also, in Virginia I think they have named a lot of the mountains. Why? I do not know, but it makes hikeing a little more directional. Anyway, what I wanted to say was that this new path goes through North Carolina. And North Carolina means CHEERWINE. So, part of my evil cross country adventure involves stopping to get several bottles of CHEERWINE. For those that do not know, CHEERWINE is a carbonated beverage with a slight red color and a nice cherry taste. Not too cherry, but just enough. It is sooo good. Well, The Princess has never tasted the joy of CHEERWINE, so I intend on picking up a couple for me and a couple for her. I am so considerate, and humble too.
Friday, August 18, 2006
From time to time something amazing happens. Sometimes it is a little invention that changes the lives of evreryon on earth. Other times it is a giant machine that throws itself into outer space. But this weekend an amazing thing is happening in Cinematography. That amazing thing is Snakes on a Plane. Ok, not really amazing, but I still will probly wait for this to be on DVD and for someone else to rent it before I watch it. I say all this inorder to preface a discovery I made in BlockBuster yesterday. This little gem of the cinema: Snakes on a Train. Wow, just wow. With all these snake movies you know some poor snake out there is makeing more money then me or you. And there is some little snake that is looking up to these rich mouse eating snakes and thinking thats the life instead of going to snake school and doing his snake homework. And then he gets in trouble and starts stealing and biting people and it is down hill from there. Poor snake, and it all could have been stopped if they had just not made these snake movies.
I have two weeks left before I get to see The Princess again. I am not sure how people handel that when it is months and months of not seeing your wife/husband. I know that she is busy all day, so she probably does not miss me as much, but shoo, all I do is work and watch movies so I definitly miss. Speaking of movies, I have watch a couple this week. I am trying to get all the crappy sci-fi/fantasy movies out of the way so The Princess will not have to watch them. OK, last night was Underworld:Evolution and that was pretty good. There was one movie before and luckily they ran a 10-15 catchup at the beginning of this movie. Sometimes I like that, sometimes I don't, but I appreciated it this time. I was confused most of the movie as is, so I am glad I actually knew who was what atleast a little. I also watched RV. Which, for its terrible reviews, I enjoyed as a light comedic family togetherness movie. Some of the acting was really bad, but hey, I could not have done any better then those kids so I am not going to penalize them for that. Wednesday, I watched Aeon Flux, which again, I liked even if it did not have the best dialog. On Tuesday, I watched InsideMan. Had some interesting story going on and some crazy camera stuff. I liked it. Yep, that is about all I have done this week. Work, movie, sleep, repeat. I can not wait for the thirty-first. I will be on my way, to the glory land. Some people do not like Searcy, but once I switch my pace of life from big city to not so big city, I will be just fine. Slower food, slower traffic, slower talking. Taking your time, it is going to be ok, because we will get there when we get there. Ahhhh. Oh yeah, there is a new coffee place in Searcy. The Underground. I think it is the only business that is open on Sunday's before 11:36(that is when churches get out). We were able to grab some coffee and a bagel there before my flights left last Sunday Morning. I think I might go back there. Of course, the other option is in my back yard and has a Mr. Blonde Milkshake, which I have been craving for the past two years. mmmmm, that is going to be one sweet, sweet, drink.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
I have a meeting in fifteen minutes and I am just waiting for it to start. I have to call a customer and handel some issues they have been handeling. Of course, it is always possible that they will not be up yet. They are in California. Blekch, my coffee has not kicked in this morning.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
I am going through some folders on my compture here inorder to clean out some old stuff and reorganize my info and I found this. No where to put it, so I figure I would upload it and then delete it from my box here. There may be more of this on here somewhere. Later.
Stairing down the wood paneled hallway, into the bright light,
Burns my eyes as if I had grown old in the dark.
The hallway stretches out of my reach and beyond my grasp,
I am tossed to the side dirty, broken, and torn.
What has become of the strength that I held in my fists?
Where has my white armor gone?
OH GOD, When shall I at last lay sight to the fields of thine paradise,
Running free from pains and tears.
Partaking of your sustanance and becoming revivied to the very marow of my bones.
Breath the life into my heart,Father, and encourage me on to fight the coming storm.
Where has my strength gone?
What has become of my white armor that I held in my fists?
Bring me closer to the edge that I can understand where the past has lead us.
Unlease the chains that crush my decrepid body down, remove me from this burdened state.
"Push on till the marow", you wisper, but the morning has already come and the sights sicken my soul.
The degenerate has slipped beyond its natural bounds and it is now called pure.
Stairing down the wood paneled hallway, into the bright light,
Burns my eyes as if I had grown old in the dark.
The hallway stretches out of my reach and beyond my grasp,
I am tossed to the side dirty, broken, and torn.
What has become of the strength that I held in my fists?
Where has my white armor gone?
OH GOD, When shall I at last lay sight to the fields of thine paradise,
Running free from pains and tears.
Partaking of your sustanance and becoming revivied to the very marow of my bones.
Breath the life into my heart,Father, and encourage me on to fight the coming storm.
Where has my strength gone?
What has become of my white armor that I held in my fists?
Bring me closer to the edge that I can understand where the past has lead us.
Unlease the chains that crush my decrepid body down, remove me from this burdened state.
"Push on till the marow", you wisper, but the morning has already come and the sights sicken my soul.
The degenerate has slipped beyond its natural bounds and it is now called pure.
Alright, so the rest of our trip was long. Saturday took forever and we finally got to the house at two on Sunday morning. So, anyone who thought they might be able to help, thank you. Anyone who drove by or walked by or anything, thank you. And anyone who happend to take our dog for a walk and never even get to see our beautiful faces, thank you and I will probably do something nice for you in return. Like maybe a million dollars or possibly a post card.
Yesterday we had a big office meeting. I thought this was to tell everyone in the office that I was going to be leaving. No, this was to tell everyone in the office that the sales guy had been removed and that one of my tech guys would now be transfered into sales. After we finished up discussing that, we discussed opening a new office to help our customers in the lower mid-west. Arkansas, to be exact and whom do you suppose they are going to choose to run it?????? ME. Yeah, that is how they are going to spin it. Works for me and I think they can probably use it to help with contracts here. Kind of like a bartering chip or something. So, the move at the end of the month is fast approching. Two more Mondays, two more Tuesdays, less then three Wednesdays, three Thursdays and two Fridays. I have been calling The Princess a couple of times everyday. She seems to be getting a lot done. They unpacked the kitchen, painted the bathroom, painted the hallway and did generic cleaning type things. The house is not in the shape we left it. It is still in the square shape, but the floors on the inside are not so well maintained. The landlord came by and said he would find a new refridgerator, that is nice of him. Also, he said he would try and get someone to come take a look at the floors.
Yeah, so I have had people look at my site over one hundred times. That may not seem like a lot to some people, but to me it makes think someone out there might care about me mumbling about my life. Someday I might even go on a rant, or say something important. Or I could brighten your day by telling the world about my crazy adventures and my zany office experiences. Of course, in an office by myself, I am not so sure how zany those adventures can get. Anyway, I started mentioning this because of some of the hits I have gotten. They are from different contries completely. Poland, Sweden, Argentina(twice, same city), Hungary, and the UK. I realize that these are probly spam something or other trying to steal my info, but I still like the idea of someone in Europe checking me out. Of course, none of them ever came back, so they must not have liked what they saw, crud. Probably has something to do with my greek name. Master of Horses.
I apologize that I am kind of random this morning, but I am working out some work tension. I have some customers that are on my case about delays that can not be helped. Oh well, I realize it is not about me personally and that they have problems with the development schedule, but I just keep thinking about VISTA.
Yesterday we had a big office meeting. I thought this was to tell everyone in the office that I was going to be leaving. No, this was to tell everyone in the office that the sales guy had been removed and that one of my tech guys would now be transfered into sales. After we finished up discussing that, we discussed opening a new office to help our customers in the lower mid-west. Arkansas, to be exact and whom do you suppose they are going to choose to run it?????? ME. Yeah, that is how they are going to spin it. Works for me and I think they can probably use it to help with contracts here. Kind of like a bartering chip or something. So, the move at the end of the month is fast approching. Two more Mondays, two more Tuesdays, less then three Wednesdays, three Thursdays and two Fridays. I have been calling The Princess a couple of times everyday. She seems to be getting a lot done. They unpacked the kitchen, painted the bathroom, painted the hallway and did generic cleaning type things. The house is not in the shape we left it. It is still in the square shape, but the floors on the inside are not so well maintained. The landlord came by and said he would find a new refridgerator, that is nice of him. Also, he said he would try and get someone to come take a look at the floors.
Yeah, so I have had people look at my site over one hundred times. That may not seem like a lot to some people, but to me it makes think someone out there might care about me mumbling about my life. Someday I might even go on a rant, or say something important. Or I could brighten your day by telling the world about my crazy adventures and my zany office experiences. Of course, in an office by myself, I am not so sure how zany those adventures can get. Anyway, I started mentioning this because of some of the hits I have gotten. They are from different contries completely. Poland, Sweden, Argentina(twice, same city), Hungary, and the UK. I realize that these are probly spam something or other trying to steal my info, but I still like the idea of someone in Europe checking me out. Of course, none of them ever came back, so they must not have liked what they saw, crud. Probably has something to do with my greek name. Master of Horses.
I apologize that I am kind of random this morning, but I am working out some work tension. I have some customers that are on my case about delays that can not be helped. Oh well, I realize it is not about me personally and that they have problems with the development schedule, but I just keep thinking about VISTA.
Monday, August 14, 2006
MMMMOOOOOOONNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, Fist to the face. After this weekend, I can not wait to really be moved back to Searcy. Ok, so our story leaves off with the hero riding off to pickup The Princess and her cavalcay of carrier camels. I left work around one and we left here before five. I guess we had some extra stuff to pack and getting the trailer hooked to the truck. Also, The Princess wanted to take a nap, seeing as how she was the only one on the contract. That was ok with me, I had to go by the cabel company and drop of their modem. There is no way I am going to let them gig me with a modem fee. Not this time Comcast. Then I headed over to the truck rental guy to see if I could add my name to the Driver's List. I could, He did, I paid and drove away. Now, it is time to leave. We drive and get to where we are going. A little later then we hoped, but not to bad. We actually stopped off and Daniel and Cheree's place in Charlotte, NC. They are remodeling their home and it looks good. I really like the paint in the bedrooms, but The Princess tells me it is that way so they can put molding up across the top. Now for Saturday. We left Charlotte at ten. We had originally talked about leaving at four or six or maybe at the latest, eight. But, no it was ten. And that just started Saturday, but I am way to hungry to work on this anymore. later.
The Princess has moved into our new home. And I am back on the East Coast. I will post More on our crazy traveling weekend later.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Well, the van is all packed up and the air matress is all pumped. I think today has been a good day. A victory even. There were about twelve of us packing the van. The U-Haul we used to get out here was seventeen feet. Well, the Budget guy calls me this morning and says he has a fifteen footer for us. Um, the website said sixteen feet. No, those are the new ones, you get an old ones. YARGH, defeated. Well, with all those people we really packed it in there. Shwew. My parents drove by the Little Ceasers and picked up a couple of Hot N' Readys and we threw some Gatorade into the fridge and we had a nice dinner to go with our packing. HUZZAH. The only down side tomorrow is I do not know when my boss is getting into work and I can leave. The reason for this is two fold. One, my boss failed his driver's license renwal today. They do an eye test and he does not have the best vision ever, so he failed and then had to go to the doctor. I do not know if he was able to make it back to the DMV and finish up or what. That is ok. Oh yeah, he took me out to lunch today, "manager's meeting", and dropped me off at the office before he went for the renewal. I am so thankful that he is willing to feed me every now and again, it really helps out alot with my budget. You might not think it would, but it is one less meal I have to pay for and it is two less trips in the car I have to take. The second fold is that my boss' four year old daughter is having out-patient surgery tomorrow morning. I have no idea when she is scheduled to be done, so I have no idea when he is going to show up. This on top of the fact that I am leaving between noon and one and that our top support person(besides moi, of course :) ) has been out all week and will be out until monday. So, the new guy and the lazy guy are going to be there with the head guy and the sales guy for a Friday afternoon, which typically is hectic cause everyone wants to pack it in before the end of the day. I do have new guy coming in an hour earlier then usual, so that should help.
Next week we are finally going to tell everyone in the office that I am moving. My boss has been worried about performance in the office, but I think it will be ok. September should be pretty rough, but if sales can pick up maybe someday we can bring in some more support personell. Of course, I should be able to program full time starting in September. That should really help out alot, because people are all the time calling in with spelling errors or little bugs or tiny things that only they notice. And because the presure to fix it is small, it gets put on a very large and ever growing pile. At the moment, our head programmer, my boss, is the only one working on updating the software in any large form. I hit up a couple of things here and there, but mostly he develops the bigger picture. Bringing me in to help with programming should help take a load off his back. I might even even slip in some sales calls or something for the company. I will definitly be traveling more. Since I will already be out of the office, the performance in the office won't be hindered by my apscence. Grr, I really need some sort of spell check. Well, I need to get some sleep, tomorrow is setting up to be a very long day. Hopefully I can get one more post in before he kick out and bugger-off. I will also have my eye open for some free Wi-Fi so I can post from the road. Not that my road trip will be very interesting, but it will give me something to do. I can not drive. I was not there, so my name and license is not on the contract and I am not suppose to drive. Good Night and God Bless.
Next week we are finally going to tell everyone in the office that I am moving. My boss has been worried about performance in the office, but I think it will be ok. September should be pretty rough, but if sales can pick up maybe someday we can bring in some more support personell. Of course, I should be able to program full time starting in September. That should really help out alot, because people are all the time calling in with spelling errors or little bugs or tiny things that only they notice. And because the presure to fix it is small, it gets put on a very large and ever growing pile. At the moment, our head programmer, my boss, is the only one working on updating the software in any large form. I hit up a couple of things here and there, but mostly he develops the bigger picture. Bringing me in to help with programming should help take a load off his back. I might even even slip in some sales calls or something for the company. I will definitly be traveling more. Since I will already be out of the office, the performance in the office won't be hindered by my apscence. Grr, I really need some sort of spell check. Well, I need to get some sleep, tomorrow is setting up to be a very long day. Hopefully I can get one more post in before he kick out and bugger-off. I will also have my eye open for some free Wi-Fi so I can post from the road. Not that my road trip will be very interesting, but it will give me something to do. I can not drive. I was not there, so my name and license is not on the contract and I am not suppose to drive. Good Night and God Bless.
Ahh, so it seems I do know someone in California. I had not realized that the Kemps were vacationing there this week. Well, I hope they have a lot of fun while hanging out on the West Coast. Here on the East Coast we are getting a fair amount of rain. There is a funny thing about the rain here. Last night we went to dinner with some friends and they said, "Everytime we eat at Penn Station Subs it rains." Haha, thats funny, yeah right. Well, we ate at Penn Station and today it is raining, wow, that is kind of crazy.
Today is the day folks. In two short hours, The Princess is going to be picking up the van from the rental location, drive it back to the house, and possibly start loading. Although, I hope she does not start with out me. I am not very good at packing. I just put things in a box, fill it up, then tape it shut. It is very possible for items from different rooms to end up in the same box. That being said, I intend to make up for my lack of box packing prowis by lifting heavy objects. Also, I think people from church might stop by and help out as well. My parents will definitly help out, but I am not sure who else will show up. And then we have to feed all of them. Not necisarrily feed them alot, but something, probly pizza. Everyone likes pizza. We have a Little Ceaser's up the road, so that is a quick hit for some Hot 'N Readys. Then, a night on the air matress, half a day of work and we are on our way. Fifteen sweet, sweet hours of driving, which will probly turn into eightteen or twenty hours. Blargh. Another thing, we are not driving straight through, we are making a detour through North Carolina to see some good friends. You would think that it would take us longer, but it is only an additional two hours. So, it is not to much of a detour,crazy I know, you figure going south does not really help you get west, but this time around it does. Then a long day of driving. Followed by arriving and unpacking. Hopefully this will happen around six, but with my complete lack of urgency for this move, it will probly be later.
Today is the day folks. In two short hours, The Princess is going to be picking up the van from the rental location, drive it back to the house, and possibly start loading. Although, I hope she does not start with out me. I am not very good at packing. I just put things in a box, fill it up, then tape it shut. It is very possible for items from different rooms to end up in the same box. That being said, I intend to make up for my lack of box packing prowis by lifting heavy objects. Also, I think people from church might stop by and help out as well. My parents will definitly help out, but I am not sure who else will show up. And then we have to feed all of them. Not necisarrily feed them alot, but something, probly pizza. Everyone likes pizza. We have a Little Ceaser's up the road, so that is a quick hit for some Hot 'N Readys. Then, a night on the air matress, half a day of work and we are on our way. Fifteen sweet, sweet hours of driving, which will probly turn into eightteen or twenty hours. Blargh. Another thing, we are not driving straight through, we are making a detour through North Carolina to see some good friends. You would think that it would take us longer, but it is only an additional two hours. So, it is not to much of a detour,crazy I know, you figure going south does not really help you get west, but this time around it does. Then a long day of driving. Followed by arriving and unpacking. Hopefully this will happen around six, but with my complete lack of urgency for this move, it will probly be later.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Hmmmm, someone from California has been reading this? Who do I know from California. Or maybe the questions should be who do I not know from California. BUM BUM BUUMMMMMMM.
Sorry, it is a little slow in the office right now. Hopefully this will not change.
Edit: It has been pointed out to me that the statement should be Whom do I not know from California. Well, now I know that The Shua is reading.
Sorry, it is a little slow in the office right now. Hopefully this will not change.
Edit: It has been pointed out to me that the statement should be Whom do I not know from California. Well, now I know that The Shua is reading.
There was some slight miscommunications on my last post. So, I figure that I will straighten them out. S-Town, also known as the bubble, is in fact Searcy. If you know the house that we were living in the last time we were there, well, that is the same house we are going back to. We called the Landlord and he said,"Oh yes, please oh please come back to this house. The last tenents were not so good, please oh please. What you are staying two years, hmmm, let me lower the rent for you." It feels kind of odd to be going back like this. I mean, I have never lived in Searcy without being a student. I am sure that I will be disapointed that the waterfalls are not as large as I remember and that some of the teachers are shorter then the last time I saw them. I have grown up a bit over the past two years. Probably not as much as I think. I am sure it just has to do with the fact that I do not get to goof off as much here. I will write later on today. I always think of things to write about when I am not near my computers.
Monday, August 07, 2006
This is a notice to everyone. On Saturday, August 12, 2006. I and The Princess will be make an appearance in S-town. This will be a one night only performance for me, but The Princess will be making long term arrangments with our landlord. Fear not, I shall again be making an appearance on Friday, September 1, 2006 in order to claim my place beside The Princess on the stage known as S-town. If you are wondering as to the veniue of the one night only performance, do not fret to long. We have managed to acuire our original location.
Oh, and we will gladly accept any assistance with moving into our home. Probably with bribes of pizza or some such dinner like food item.
Oh, and we will gladly accept any assistance with moving into our home. Probably with bribes of pizza or some such dinner like food item.
Movies are nice sometimes. But, if you try and jam fourteen movies into one week, then they become not so nice. Blah, I think I am sick of movies right now. After V for Vendetta I got The Worlds Fastest Indian, Lord of War, Firewall, The Island, The Constant Gardener, and Pride and Prejudice. Maybe now you will understand why I am movied out. These were actually all really good movies. But I LOVED tCG. Fantastic. Not anything like I expected, but fabulous. That being said, I missed Taladega Nights on Friday night. The church was throwing us a Good Bye thingy and we were going to watch it afterwards, but everyone bailed on us. Blah, so we picked up tCG and PaP. Then we were going to try and make the matinee but we were packing and not in the mood for a movie. I think I probly won't see another movie for a while. Or maybe I will. This guy in the office is a fan of some movies that come a book I have been reading. Naturally, he burned the movies for me. Now, don't worry about pirating or anything like taht. These movies were not released in America. They are from Japan. Battle Royal, if you must know. Well, this weekend if the Big Move, and we have started packing. What a great week for all the crazyness, in the office we are down two guys this week, which makes for a lot of fun. One of them is my boss, so I am in charge here, running the show, the big man. Dealing with upset customers is a blast let me tell you. Then the stress of having to move, plus some debt collector guy has a bill that I allegedly never paid, except that I paid it twice already. Grrr, I have to call some people and figure that out. Stupid AT&T. No way am I ever doing busniess with them again. Then I have to close all my accounts here, electric, water, cable. Ok, I guess just those three not so bad, but I do have put in a forwarding address for the post office and contact all our bank/loan people and let them know. Meh, I guess it isn't so bad, I just have the extra stress of work. Over and out.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Wow, it has been a couple of days. This could either be a big ol honkin' entry, or I might just get bored with typing half way through and then have nothing else to say. Well, first I guess I should tell you about The Game. The Game is actually very easy to play. So easy in fact, that you are all already playing it. You lose The Game everytime you remember that you are playing it. At which point, you must notify those around you that you have just lost The Game. See, real simple. The only hard part is trying to not remember that you are playing. Along the same lines, I have been playing RE4 and I beat it about two weeks ago. I was kinda lost on parts of the story line, but that happens when you play the fist of a series and then jump back in four games later. That is one thing I enjoy about newer video games. There can be multiple came story arcs, kind of like in movies. StarWars has several multiple movie story arcs and it was good, very good. Similiar with RE or Mario Brothers or Zelda, you have reocurring characters that bind these stories together. Anyway, I beat it so now I have to move on to something else. I am thinking Online Poker. I play for free so do not worry I have no intentions of going bankrupt or anything.
I bought a laptop yesterday. I have been wanting to buy one for some time know and yesterday I just wanted it badly enough that I went out and bought one. I got it from TigerDirect so it looks like I got a pretty good price for it. No, I am not going to tell you what kind it is. I did look around, but I got antsy and had a spontanious urge so I bought it. I know that I should have waited till after work, called my brother and seen what kind of deal he could make me(he does sales for DELL), but I just couldn't do it. I was going crazy with the lazyness at work and my mind just kept going back to that laptop. So, being the spontanious person I am, I bought it. Heh, I am not very spontanious.
My Parents are out of town this week. They are going to gone for 7 days. Now here is the part where someone might care. They have the double movie pass at Blockbuster. With them out of town, I, being the only in town son, natuurally inherit their pass. HuRah for super movie overdose. Let us see. I have watched FlightPlan, 40 Year Old Virgin(only 10 min.), Kicking And Screaming, Kingdom of Heaven, Running Scared, 16 Blocks, V for Vendetta. I think there was one more, but I can not remember what it was. I might remember it later. FlightPlan was meh, not overly suspensful, but I do not have a child to look after, so maybe some moms thought it was nerve racking. 40 Year Old Virgin, it was the unrated version, the only copy they had at the store. Personally, I have tried to avoid this movie, but The Princess, in her ignorance, thought it might be funny. The first 10 minutes was pretty rough so we turned it off. That is the great part of the deal, I did not have to pay for it. Kicking And Screaming was another meh movie. I think Will Farell(sp?) can be pretty funny. I loved ELF, but this one just did not do it for me. Kingdom of Heaven was really good. It tells a story about the crusades so there is a some violence. Still, I really enjoyed it. A lot. For Running Scared, I in no form, shape, or fashion encourage anyone to see this movie. That said, I liked this movie a fair amount. The only turn off for most, would be the language. I remember a movie from a while ago, Boone Dock Saints, that was very good. It had this grit to it that stuck with you for a couple of days. Running Scared has that same feel. A good guy sort of wins in the end. I think that is what endears me to this movie. The real reason I rented 16 Blocks was because it has Bruce the Willis. It actually reminded me of Bruce's carrier, he use to be big top performance blockbuster and then he ramped down and got all drunk and disorderly, but then he makes a come back and Hurray saves the day, sort of. There are a couple of twist and turns, so it comes out ahead of the curve, but just barely. Again, I am glad I didn't have to pay to see it. Not paying really allows my to enjoy a movie that I would have been pissed if I had paid to see it. :) I liked it, but not paying really movied it up the list. A lot. And Finally, V for Vendetta. I think maybe I have over saturated myself with well told stories this week. I enjoyed the movie, it was good, well thought out, well shot, nice color schemes. Over all, very enjoyable. Not sure what the movies will be up for the rest of the week, but one of the WILL be The Constant Gardener. I am excited about that movie. It is my understanding that it comes from a book. I usually love books that get turned into movies. The Bourne Identity being a favorite book of mine. I love the book so much that I actually hate the movie. There is a bright point for that movie. The movie is sooo far off from the book that the second movie doesn't have anything to do with the book at all. Absolutly nothing, so I was able to really enjoy that second movie and I am fairly confident that I will absolutly love the third one. And this is where I get tired of writing and go off and do something else. Maybe even work.
I bought a laptop yesterday. I have been wanting to buy one for some time know and yesterday I just wanted it badly enough that I went out and bought one. I got it from TigerDirect so it looks like I got a pretty good price for it. No, I am not going to tell you what kind it is. I did look around, but I got antsy and had a spontanious urge so I bought it. I know that I should have waited till after work, called my brother and seen what kind of deal he could make me(he does sales for DELL), but I just couldn't do it. I was going crazy with the lazyness at work and my mind just kept going back to that laptop. So, being the spontanious person I am, I bought it. Heh, I am not very spontanious.
My Parents are out of town this week. They are going to gone for 7 days. Now here is the part where someone might care. They have the double movie pass at Blockbuster. With them out of town, I, being the only in town son, natuurally inherit their pass. HuRah for super movie overdose. Let us see. I have watched FlightPlan, 40 Year Old Virgin(only 10 min.), Kicking And Screaming, Kingdom of Heaven, Running Scared, 16 Blocks, V for Vendetta. I think there was one more, but I can not remember what it was. I might remember it later. FlightPlan was meh, not overly suspensful, but I do not have a child to look after, so maybe some moms thought it was nerve racking. 40 Year Old Virgin, it was the unrated version, the only copy they had at the store. Personally, I have tried to avoid this movie, but The Princess, in her ignorance, thought it might be funny. The first 10 minutes was pretty rough so we turned it off. That is the great part of the deal, I did not have to pay for it. Kicking And Screaming was another meh movie. I think Will Farell(sp?) can be pretty funny. I loved ELF, but this one just did not do it for me. Kingdom of Heaven was really good. It tells a story about the crusades so there is a some violence. Still, I really enjoyed it. A lot. For Running Scared, I in no form, shape, or fashion encourage anyone to see this movie. That said, I liked this movie a fair amount. The only turn off for most, would be the language. I remember a movie from a while ago, Boone Dock Saints, that was very good. It had this grit to it that stuck with you for a couple of days. Running Scared has that same feel. A good guy sort of wins in the end. I think that is what endears me to this movie. The real reason I rented 16 Blocks was because it has Bruce the Willis. It actually reminded me of Bruce's carrier, he use to be big top performance blockbuster and then he ramped down and got all drunk and disorderly, but then he makes a come back and Hurray saves the day, sort of. There are a couple of twist and turns, so it comes out ahead of the curve, but just barely. Again, I am glad I didn't have to pay to see it. Not paying really allows my to enjoy a movie that I would have been pissed if I had paid to see it. :) I liked it, but not paying really movied it up the list. A lot. And Finally, V for Vendetta. I think maybe I have over saturated myself with well told stories this week. I enjoyed the movie, it was good, well thought out, well shot, nice color schemes. Over all, very enjoyable. Not sure what the movies will be up for the rest of the week, but one of the WILL be The Constant Gardener. I am excited about that movie. It is my understanding that it comes from a book. I usually love books that get turned into movies. The Bourne Identity being a favorite book of mine. I love the book so much that I actually hate the movie. There is a bright point for that movie. The movie is sooo far off from the book that the second movie doesn't have anything to do with the book at all. Absolutly nothing, so I was able to really enjoy that second movie and I am fairly confident that I will absolutly love the third one. And this is where I get tired of writing and go off and do something else. Maybe even work.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Thursday, July 27, 2006
I had to take my dog to the SPCA today. There were a ton of ladies with their cats and my with my yappie little dog. I decided to take her outside to fill out my paperwork. She was still super whiney but that was ok, we were outside. Then I signed a bunch of paperwork and let her out of might sight. Forever. Well, actually till five. The Pricness is going to pick her up from the surgery this afternoon. We finally decided to get our dog broken. Most people call it getting fixed, but honestly you take your dog to the vet so they can break them from doing what they were built for. So, we say that we are taking the dog in to get broken. I know, it is dumb but we like it. When we first got our dog(Degoba) we thought about breeding her. We feel in love with the miniture shnauzzer real quick and wanted everyone else to love them also. It is not a common dog for a lot of people. My second love was the Scottish Terrier, but it looks like it might be a while before we get one of those. A good long while, especially with the move in the near future.
I got home from work last night after seven. Part of that was stoping to grab a bite to eat at my parents house. Part of that was filling up the gas in my car for slightly less the three dollars a gallon. But most of that was leaving the office at six-thirty. We have customers all across the country. This is great, but can cause a problem when someone three time zones away call and they still have six hours of business for the day and we are all leaving. So, I was staying late but it became later because I had to help this guy who has not even used the software in over a month. Their business was down. Oh Noes. Except that they have not even started to use the software on a daily bases. But yesterday it was vitally important that it work and it work right now. After calling in, he waited for one hour before starting to send threating emails about how bad our service was. Man, when I first started here, we use to have customers wait for a day or two if the support backup was bad enough. Now, they complain if they have to wait ten minutes. Now, I am working on a customer who is haveing long standing problems. But they are only able make it happen when I am not watching them. Grrr. Stupid Tech Support Magic. Why must you cause broken systems to work only while I look at them? WHY???
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Ohhweee. And I am back. I four day whirlwind adventure to the South. We went to visit The Princess' grandmother on Friday. She is intersting. She is eighty-three years old and has always lived in Columbia,SC. I am sure you can figure out what aspect of her personality makes it an interesting visit. Then we headed down to Charleston, SC. That is a nice little town. We have some friends who live on Isle of Palms. They have lived there for thirty years, but the property there is now going for a million plus. They will not be to bad off when they finally decide to move. If they decide to move. :) Maybe they will sell it to us, for a dollar. That would be sweet. Of course, I would have to find a job there or atleast tele-commute from there. I need a sinle cup coffee pot and I am having trouble finding one. I plan on getting a hold of a grinder and buying my beans there in town. If I can find a single cup brewer then I can save some more money on that. I really thought I would have more to say after being off for four days, but I guess I do not.
Wow, I am glad that I do not live in the middle east. That is some serious violence there. Heizballa sure kicked a hornets nest this time. Now they are sending in ground troups. I sure hope we can keep our hands out of it. Put some pressure on both sides, but keep out of it. Oh, and people say that Bush needs to stop this. Stop what? These are two soverign nations that stand on their own. All we can do is ask them both to stop and come to a table to talk it out. Yes, it is tragic. Yes, we should send assistance, but there is a lot of dust that needs to setle.
There are a lot of shark attacks in SC this year. Six so far. There was one on Friday when we got there. The Grandmother warned us about them. Good thing sharks do not come onto land, unless his/her name is Kenny, but that is a Saturday Morning reference that I doubt I will get a year from now.
It has been brought to my attention that being a club sponser is a way for me to spend my time until The Princess graduates. Hmmm, not a bad idea. I might have to look into it. Oh yeah, also, I got this hit tracker, so I know how many people look at my site. MUAHAHA, I can now stalk you as you stalk me. Be Blessed.
Wow, I am glad that I do not live in the middle east. That is some serious violence there. Heizballa sure kicked a hornets nest this time. Now they are sending in ground troups. I sure hope we can keep our hands out of it. Put some pressure on both sides, but keep out of it. Oh, and people say that Bush needs to stop this. Stop what? These are two soverign nations that stand on their own. All we can do is ask them both to stop and come to a table to talk it out. Yes, it is tragic. Yes, we should send assistance, but there is a lot of dust that needs to setle.
There are a lot of shark attacks in SC this year. Six so far. There was one on Friday when we got there. The Grandmother warned us about them. Good thing sharks do not come onto land, unless his/her name is Kenny, but that is a Saturday Morning reference that I doubt I will get a year from now.
It has been brought to my attention that being a club sponser is a way for me to spend my time until The Princess graduates. Hmmm, not a bad idea. I might have to look into it. Oh yeah, also, I got this hit tracker, so I know how many people look at my site. MUAHAHA, I can now stalk you as you stalk me. Be Blessed.
Friday, July 21, 2006
La lala lalala lala. I do not know, just humming a tune. Shooo, I am really excited about this move. It is like when you go back to summer camp. You have great memories of what it was like last time. Old friends you have known for years, newer friends that you made the last time you were there and the prospect of meeting new people completely. I don't know how to explain it, except by saying it is that pre-camp anxiety that is a twist of excitment about the known and eagerness for the new. When you know that you are on your own for a week to handle whatever camp throws at you. Anyway, we still haven't left for the Weekend of Adventure. But we should be leaving soon. Wow, we really are late. Peace.
Today is first Kings 1-15 or something like that. I have really slacked off on my reading. Grrrr, that goes as a defeat. Also, I saw this guy yesterday who probly could have used a lunch. I am a little jaded from the last time I bought a guy lunch. Usually, I sit inside with them and try to talk to them about their life and stuff. I do not know how much of it is real, but it is usually interesting. The last guy was a real pro though, we walked in to the Subway and he knew the staff by name. He still needed a lunch, but I hate it when people are profesional beggers. I will help anyone out at any time, it is just money, and it is not even mine. But professinoals really steam my pot. Be Blessed.
Today is first Kings 1-15 or something like that. I have really slacked off on my reading. Grrrr, that goes as a defeat. Also, I saw this guy yesterday who probly could have used a lunch. I am a little jaded from the last time I bought a guy lunch. Usually, I sit inside with them and try to talk to them about their life and stuff. I do not know how much of it is real, but it is usually interesting. The last guy was a real pro though, we walked in to the Subway and he knew the staff by name. He still needed a lunch, but I hate it when people are profesional beggers. I will help anyone out at any time, it is just money, and it is not even mine. But professinoals really steam my pot. Be Blessed.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Ah, an end to another productive week of work. What is that you say, you still have to go to work tomorrow because it is Friday. MUWAHAHA. I do not have to go to work tomorrow. I am taking the day off. We are driving down to the big SC and seeing some of The Princess' family before the big move. We are also going to mooch off of some friends while we are at it. Huzzah for mooching. The land lords are going to be showing our house this weekend so I have to help clean up. I will try and update from the road if I can. If not, then I hope we all have nice weekends.
Oh yeah, my wife is beautiful.
Oh yeah, my wife is beautiful.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Yesterday was carzy here. I know that everyone else is getting the heat as well, but yesterday was one-hundred and five degrees here. On top of that I locked myself out of my house while I was on my lunch break. I had to sit infront of my house for fifteen minutes waiting for a ride to work. The princess had turned her phone off and she is the only other person with a key. Then I had to wait outside after work for another thirty minutes. I know, how terrible, having to wait outside for a whole fourty-five minutes. Oh my, what ever shall we do. Well, it was not that bad, it is just out of the ordinary for me.
Today was a little bit better. I only managed to almost kill myself once. I was driving home and lost focus for a second. Just kind of drifted off. When I come round a corner and there is a stop light. I am about to go through said light when this ginormous black SUV slides out from behind a bush and starts to cross the street. For two seconds I thought to myself, why is that SUV crossing my lane, I have the green. Coming out of my daze I realize, shoot a monkey, I have the red. I hit the breaks hard and did not kill myself or anyone in the SUV.
Work was ok today. I had to rewrite some code to make our software do something it probly should have done from the beggining anyway. Part of me wonders what I am going to do all day with out tech calls anymore and Part of me is craving that sweet sweet scilence that I can break wide open with some intenet radio station. I figure it will be something like 700 days in that office by myself. I hope I don't go crazy. Of course, I will have all my faithful readers to keep me company. And yes, I count myself in that crowed.
Today was a little bit better. I only managed to almost kill myself once. I was driving home and lost focus for a second. Just kind of drifted off. When I come round a corner and there is a stop light. I am about to go through said light when this ginormous black SUV slides out from behind a bush and starts to cross the street. For two seconds I thought to myself, why is that SUV crossing my lane, I have the green. Coming out of my daze I realize, shoot a monkey, I have the red. I hit the breaks hard and did not kill myself or anyone in the SUV.
Work was ok today. I had to rewrite some code to make our software do something it probly should have done from the beggining anyway. Part of me wonders what I am going to do all day with out tech calls anymore and Part of me is craving that sweet sweet scilence that I can break wide open with some intenet radio station. I figure it will be something like 700 days in that office by myself. I hope I don't go crazy. Of course, I will have all my faithful readers to keep me company. And yes, I count myself in that crowed.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Today was a pretty good day at work. I got customers fixed. I also got some programming done. I've been working on a time tracking program and makeing some good head way. I'm going to have to rework some stuff to deal with users not having enough permisson to get all the info. I will figure it out.
Volleyball was tonight. We went 4-2. Of course the first three were wins because the other team forfeited. Then we played a team that is ranked below us, lost two but where able to pull it out on the last play to win 21-20. We had to stop for time. We only get sixty minutes to play because there are only four courts and something like twelve teams. Everybody playes two matches. I have really enjoyed playing on this team, but tonight was kinda lame. We had two new guys on the court tonight and the team just didn't mesh. Maybe next week we will play together better. I hope so, I was really enjoying that team alot. When I move I know I will miss it.
This weekend were heading down to South Carolina. The princess has the weekend off and she figures that we can visit her East Coast family before we move on and might not come back. Then its less then a month till we move all our stuff. I can not believe were moving back. Almost feels like going home. Of course a lot of the people I knew in town have moved on, but I think there are enough there to make it a good time. I am also under the impression that several individuals make it back frequently. Also, I was looking for office space, but the only stuff I could find was almost an hour away. Well, not any more. I found some office space in a house that a realator turned into an office building. If my boss sets it up then I should be able to ride my bike to work everyday. My wife will probly walk to campus, I will be riding my bike, and we probly will only drive to LR to deposit my paychecks. It is looking like high gas prices will have little effect. HU RAH, take that Hazballah.
Volleyball was tonight. We went 4-2. Of course the first three were wins because the other team forfeited. Then we played a team that is ranked below us, lost two but where able to pull it out on the last play to win 21-20. We had to stop for time. We only get sixty minutes to play because there are only four courts and something like twelve teams. Everybody playes two matches. I have really enjoyed playing on this team, but tonight was kinda lame. We had two new guys on the court tonight and the team just didn't mesh. Maybe next week we will play together better. I hope so, I was really enjoying that team alot. When I move I know I will miss it.
This weekend were heading down to South Carolina. The princess has the weekend off and she figures that we can visit her East Coast family before we move on and might not come back. Then its less then a month till we move all our stuff. I can not believe were moving back. Almost feels like going home. Of course a lot of the people I knew in town have moved on, but I think there are enough there to make it a good time. I am also under the impression that several individuals make it back frequently. Also, I was looking for office space, but the only stuff I could find was almost an hour away. Well, not any more. I found some office space in a house that a realator turned into an office building. If my boss sets it up then I should be able to ride my bike to work everyday. My wife will probly walk to campus, I will be riding my bike, and we probly will only drive to LR to deposit my paychecks. It is looking like high gas prices will have little effect. HU RAH, take that Hazballah.
A favorite quote of mine is: "I hope your marriage ends in death." Now, on first glance, that is a creepy thing to say. I guess you have to know where I found this one. I was working at Harding Place, I feed the old people breakfast and lunch. On my last day of work there this old man called me over to his table. and he sang me a song(he liked to sing old 20's-30's songs) and then he says to me, "I hope your marriage ends in death." This seventy/eighty year old man, doubled over with a cane, white hair and a tiny doubled over wife, spoke an amazing profound word. Creepy at first, but when you think about it you hope that your marriage does end in death. You don't want it to end with adultery, distrust or ireconcialable differences. You want it to end with death. Not today, but someday along time from now. It is an amazing concept when you consider the rate of divorce "scientific" studies tell us. So, for all my married friends out there, I pray that your marriage ends in death. Be Blessed.
Friday, July 14, 2006
This is a post to say, yesterday was not a good day. Do you know why? I say. Well because I have a drug addiction O'lay. Now, wonder for a minute if you may. How I could be in such a situation of dismay? I will tell you why I act like scratchy hay. It is the caffine in coffee that makes me this way. Three sunrises without a cup of joe to start my day. No caffine in my blood to make me dance array. Caffine you have me in your tight little clay. I will escape your grasp no matter how tough the fray. I will fight, I will win, but probly tomorrow, I had Mountain Dew for breakfast. I am caffine induced happy today.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
I just realized my profile does not include GATA. One of the female social clubs where I went to school. I was/am a beau for them. I can not believe that we are moving next month. I am buying myself a plane ticket to get back here after we move all our stuff out there. August is going to be some kinda crazy.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Hmmm, more postage. It always makes me laugh everytime the word poindexter is used in a movie. hehe. It is really funny because I know a family of Poindexters. Last night I stopped to get gas on my way home from volleyball. I did the pay-at-pump, ran inside bought a gatorade and was on my way. Tonight we went to the store to buy dinner. I pulled out my wallet, no credit card. Oh crud. I left it on top of the pump at the gas station. I called the cc company and they said that the gas station was my last purchase, I closed the card and they are sending me a new one. HuraH. Tonto, jump on it. Well, work today was pretty good. I only had one guy who was super pissed at us. I took care of him and I think we might actually make some money off it. He will probly switch cc processors and the new one gives us a kickback. Turn the negative into a positive. I do have to write a short script to fix his problem though. It is all good.
Two days without a post filled with content. How have you survived. You haven't have you, you are all dead. I know it. It is true, there is no need to confirm it. You are all dead and have become zombies. Don't worry, I will be gentle when I have to put you down. It will be one clean strike to the head and it will be all over.
You may have noticed a skip in numbers for my titles. It goes from #21 to #23. That is because post #22 is still a draft. A friend of mine is having some troubles and asked me for advice. I wanted to write out my advice so I could proof read it and make sure it made sense. Well, work was crazy yesterday and I had volleyball last night, so I was unable to really spend the time on it that I needed to. The thing is she asked me for advice in an area I know very little about. Basicly I told her that any advice I had would be dumb, but that I would pray for wisdom and for her and we would see what we get. Well, I think I have some advice for her now. So, I don't think I'm going to post it here anyways, it will probly just stay a draft until I need it some day in the future.
Yesterday at work was crazy. I have been working on writing a time clock that blends in with our software. Its going pretty good, yesterday I got alot done. Then the phones when crazy. CRAZY I TELL YOU. I was on one guys computer for about an hour and then he says, "Hey our internet is back up, do you want to get onto the real comptuer that you should have been working on this whole time???" No, I do not. I do not want to get on to the computer that is having the problem. No, I do not want to fix your problem so that you will be able to use the software. No, let us keep working on this computer that no one will ever use. Yeah, that steamed my pot a little.
Volleyball last night was a blast. I'm really enjoying this men's team. Argh, I can not believe I wasted two years playing co-ed teams and bad men's teams. This is so much fun it might just be illegal in thirty-two states. I ran about fifteen middle quicks last night. OH YEAH. Of course they were not very good hits but they were points, sweet sweet points. The two setters on my team are not use to setting the quicks so I figure we can work it out in the next couple of weeks. The other teams will learn to fear us. FEAR US I SAY. MUAHAHA.
Our Registration stickers came in the mail yesterday as well. I put those bad boys on and now I drive around in comfort. No longer worried that someone will pull me over and try to give me a ticket. Wasting our collective time.
I could go on about the good things from yesterday, but I think I will wait a little bit and post those later today. More posts today makes up for no real posts yesterday , right?
No zombies were harmed in the making of this blog post
You may have noticed a skip in numbers for my titles. It goes from #21 to #23. That is because post #22 is still a draft. A friend of mine is having some troubles and asked me for advice. I wanted to write out my advice so I could proof read it and make sure it made sense. Well, work was crazy yesterday and I had volleyball last night, so I was unable to really spend the time on it that I needed to. The thing is she asked me for advice in an area I know very little about. Basicly I told her that any advice I had would be dumb, but that I would pray for wisdom and for her and we would see what we get. Well, I think I have some advice for her now. So, I don't think I'm going to post it here anyways, it will probly just stay a draft until I need it some day in the future.
Yesterday at work was crazy. I have been working on writing a time clock that blends in with our software. Its going pretty good, yesterday I got alot done. Then the phones when crazy. CRAZY I TELL YOU. I was on one guys computer for about an hour and then he says, "Hey our internet is back up, do you want to get onto the real comptuer that you should have been working on this whole time???" No, I do not. I do not want to get on to the computer that is having the problem. No, I do not want to fix your problem so that you will be able to use the software. No, let us keep working on this computer that no one will ever use. Yeah, that steamed my pot a little.
Volleyball last night was a blast. I'm really enjoying this men's team. Argh, I can not believe I wasted two years playing co-ed teams and bad men's teams. This is so much fun it might just be illegal in thirty-two states. I ran about fifteen middle quicks last night. OH YEAH. Of course they were not very good hits but they were points, sweet sweet points. The two setters on my team are not use to setting the quicks so I figure we can work it out in the next couple of weeks. The other teams will learn to fear us. FEAR US I SAY. MUAHAHA.
Our Registration stickers came in the mail yesterday as well. I put those bad boys on and now I drive around in comfort. No longer worried that someone will pull me over and try to give me a ticket. Wasting our collective time.
I could go on about the good things from yesterday, but I think I will wait a little bit and post those later today. More posts today makes up for no real posts yesterday , right?
No zombies were harmed in the making of this blog post
Monday, July 10, 2006
NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I finally missed a day. Well, poo. I'll have to make up for it later.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Looks like I've slacked off on posting. Still making one post a day, so that makes me feel nice. We saw MI:III last night. Much to our dismay, we actually liked the movie. Lots and Lots of action, not so much drama. I also watched DodgeBall for the first time this week. MUAHAHAHAHA, thats really funny. The extra stuff on the DVD is pretty funny also. hehehehe. I'm going to watch it again.
I mowed the lawn at church this morning. It took three hours. The first summer we had the eighteen acers I was out there every other week. That usually took me five to six hours, but now we split it up so it doesn't take as long. It is very relaxing to get out there and just cut the grass.
I mowed the lawn at church this morning. It took three hours. The first summer we had the eighteen acers I was out there every other week. That usually took me five to six hours, but now we split it up so it doesn't take as long. It is very relaxing to get out there and just cut the grass.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Its Friday Night and the mood is right. Gonna have some fun, show you how it's done. TGIF. Anyway, We are going to see MI:III tonight. We have this old theater in town that shows two dollar movies on Friday/Saturday nights. They show all sorts of crazy old stuff as well as newer movies. Also, I figure Tom Cruize won't see much of my four dollars as opposed the the seventeen I would spend at the other theaters. Same movie, same size screen, same size explosions, way less money. Sounds good to me. Work was pretty good today. I am way behind on bible reading. I think I am eight chapters back now. I missed one day and haven't been able to catch back up. I will try and make it up this weekend at some point.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
This is pretty sweet. I imagine it will be 20 some odd years before it makes huge progress, but combine this with E-85 and hybrid technologies and we are on the road to success.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
It seems that It may be harder for me to post on days where I am not at work. This reason for this is, if I am at work then there is the computer in front of me all day. On the other hand, if I am at home then the computer is in the other room and I have important things to accomplish. Now that I have explained my lack of postage I may continue on with a description of the fourth.
It started out a day like many other days, with a yawn and a sunray burning through my sleep crusted eyelid. Rolling over, I found that the Princess had already left for work. Hmmm, what shall I do to ocupy myself today. Cereal, the silence of the house wispered to me. MMMmmm, cereal. As I exited the frozen extreme of the bedroom into the sweltering inferno of the kitchen I reached for my cereal. BUM BUM BUUUMMMMMMM. Its Gone. All Gone. NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. So, I ate some wheat checks or something bland like that. Then I watched some TV and took a shower. Having heard rummors of a sale at Circuit City, I headed out into the blistering summer heat. I got to Circuit City and they were having a sale, but it had been picked over like a carcass in a field and all that was left was a hundred copies of Old Man Golf for the X-Box. This does not bode well, for I have the gaming system known as GAMECUBE. Having been twarted by the capitalist market I head over to EBGames, which is also having a sale. Their sale was even worse, five dollars off the purchase of any two Gamecube games. Um, I only want one game, I want it to be cheap, I want it to be fun. Unfortunatly, those two don't go together very often. I grabbed RE4. I had seen some friends play it and it looks to appease my gaming appetite for a while. Then, when we move, I can sell it back to someone and pick up the new Zelda. Probably have to pre-order that one. Then a race across town, looking for Starbucks in a bottle on the cheap. No, go. Once again, the capitalists have bested me with their lower prices and higher quality goods. Arriving at home, slightly defeated, I play a little of my new game. Yikes, the controls are completely different then I was expecting. Thats ok, I get the hang of it after kicking the bucket a couple of times. Now, its time to head over to BBQ #1. This is a work BBQ, so its kinda laid back and mostly small/work talk. Well, there is this guy there, Jeb or Jud, I can't remember. Well, he is from South Africa. He was interesting. Wrote this Linker for Delphi, it was called B-Linker. During the time the program would run and the user was sitting around bored, it had eyes that would blink at you because they thought that would be more interesting then the hour glass. Naturally the program became known as Blinker. TADA. Interesting fact of the day accomplished. I had a couple of cokes and a bottled water. A burger or two, some nice conversation and then it was time to be on my way. I had to meet up with the Princess and head on over to BBQ#2. While cruzing down then highway I see a state trooper has pulled over an unexpectant speeder. MUAHAHA, thats what you get you speeder type you. Well, the cop finishes with his ticket giving and speeds on past me at about eighty mph(I am going about sixty). He then proceeds to swirve from the left lane, inbetween cars to the right emergency lane, breaks hard and we all pass him. He then jumps back onto the highway speeds around for a second and pulls me over. Why hello there ossifer, take me drunk I'm to home to drive. Except I didnt' do anything. Well, almost nothing, see I had not gotten the registration stickers for my car this year. My liscense plate expired on June thirteith, it is now July the fourth. Unfortunatly for Office Ross of the Virginia State Troopers, I paid for my registration online and am currently waiting for the stickers to arrive in the mail. Thats right, don't get upset cause you missed that super speeder just to pull me over. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. He then informed me that it was illegal to have my license plate in the window. I've been living here for two years, seen atleast 150 cops driving around, been next to them in traffic, infront of them in traffice, behind them in traffice, passed them, been passed by them and not one of them has pulled me over. So I just say, There is no bracket on my car, I bought it in AR and then moved here, I have seen several other cars, I didn't think anything of it. He asks me if everyone was driving their cars off a cliff would I drive off a cliff also. Hmm, Probly not I replied. Well, don't let me catch you with your plates in your window again. Not a problem officer. Oh by the way, where would be a good place to get that bracket put on??? Grrr, anyplace, I don't care, your dumb. Ok, he didn't say that, but he thought it and then he said, Autozone, Pepboys, wherever someone should be able to help you with that. As he walks away he looks at all the crap I have in my back seat. Later officer Ross. hehehehehehehehehehehehehe. BBQ#2 was nice. It was at the church, so good folks, good food, good fellowship(the three F's). A little sun, a little lawn, a little pool time. Good to go. Then we drove down town to watch the fireworks at the baseball stadium. I wanted to go in depth about those, but already this is the post of death. Maybe later I'll elaborate on those. I hope everyone else had a good fourth of July.
It started out a day like many other days, with a yawn and a sunray burning through my sleep crusted eyelid. Rolling over, I found that the Princess had already left for work. Hmmm, what shall I do to ocupy myself today. Cereal, the silence of the house wispered to me. MMMmmm, cereal. As I exited the frozen extreme of the bedroom into the sweltering inferno of the kitchen I reached for my cereal. BUM BUM BUUUMMMMMMM. Its Gone. All Gone. NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. So, I ate some wheat checks or something bland like that. Then I watched some TV and took a shower. Having heard rummors of a sale at Circuit City, I headed out into the blistering summer heat. I got to Circuit City and they were having a sale, but it had been picked over like a carcass in a field and all that was left was a hundred copies of Old Man Golf for the X-Box. This does not bode well, for I have the gaming system known as GAMECUBE. Having been twarted by the capitalist market I head over to EBGames, which is also having a sale. Their sale was even worse, five dollars off the purchase of any two Gamecube games. Um, I only want one game, I want it to be cheap, I want it to be fun. Unfortunatly, those two don't go together very often. I grabbed RE4. I had seen some friends play it and it looks to appease my gaming appetite for a while. Then, when we move, I can sell it back to someone and pick up the new Zelda. Probably have to pre-order that one. Then a race across town, looking for Starbucks in a bottle on the cheap. No, go. Once again, the capitalists have bested me with their lower prices and higher quality goods. Arriving at home, slightly defeated, I play a little of my new game. Yikes, the controls are completely different then I was expecting. Thats ok, I get the hang of it after kicking the bucket a couple of times. Now, its time to head over to BBQ #1. This is a work BBQ, so its kinda laid back and mostly small/work talk. Well, there is this guy there, Jeb or Jud, I can't remember. Well, he is from South Africa. He was interesting. Wrote this Linker for Delphi, it was called B-Linker. During the time the program would run and the user was sitting around bored, it had eyes that would blink at you because they thought that would be more interesting then the hour glass. Naturally the program became known as Blinker. TADA. Interesting fact of the day accomplished. I had a couple of cokes and a bottled water. A burger or two, some nice conversation and then it was time to be on my way. I had to meet up with the Princess and head on over to BBQ#2. While cruzing down then highway I see a state trooper has pulled over an unexpectant speeder. MUAHAHA, thats what you get you speeder type you. Well, the cop finishes with his ticket giving and speeds on past me at about eighty mph(I am going about sixty). He then proceeds to swirve from the left lane, inbetween cars to the right emergency lane, breaks hard and we all pass him. He then jumps back onto the highway speeds around for a second and pulls me over. Why hello there ossifer, take me drunk I'm to home to drive. Except I didnt' do anything. Well, almost nothing, see I had not gotten the registration stickers for my car this year. My liscense plate expired on June thirteith, it is now July the fourth. Unfortunatly for Office Ross of the Virginia State Troopers, I paid for my registration online and am currently waiting for the stickers to arrive in the mail. Thats right, don't get upset cause you missed that super speeder just to pull me over. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. He then informed me that it was illegal to have my license plate in the window. I've been living here for two years, seen atleast 150 cops driving around, been next to them in traffic, infront of them in traffice, behind them in traffice, passed them, been passed by them and not one of them has pulled me over. So I just say, There is no bracket on my car, I bought it in AR and then moved here, I have seen several other cars, I didn't think anything of it. He asks me if everyone was driving their cars off a cliff would I drive off a cliff also. Hmm, Probly not I replied. Well, don't let me catch you with your plates in your window again. Not a problem officer. Oh by the way, where would be a good place to get that bracket put on??? Grrr, anyplace, I don't care, your dumb. Ok, he didn't say that, but he thought it and then he said, Autozone, Pepboys, wherever someone should be able to help you with that. As he walks away he looks at all the crap I have in my back seat. Later officer Ross. hehehehehehehehehehehehehe. BBQ#2 was nice. It was at the church, so good folks, good food, good fellowship(the three F's). A little sun, a little lawn, a little pool time. Good to go. Then we drove down town to watch the fireworks at the baseball stadium. I wanted to go in depth about those, but already this is the post of death. Maybe later I'll elaborate on those. I hope everyone else had a good fourth of July.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Making a post on the fourth of July.
I am a busy crazy guy.
Jump all around, make a big noise.
Watch the people play with exploding toys.
Crazy fourth, your the loudest.
Americans seem to be proudest.
Yep, this post fills my one a day quota.
Ill fill in specifics tomorrow.
I am a busy crazy guy.
Jump all around, make a big noise.
Watch the people play with exploding toys.
Crazy fourth, your the loudest.
Americans seem to be proudest.
Yep, this post fills my one a day quota.
Ill fill in specifics tomorrow.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Well, that was close. A day almost went by without my filling the internet with my great wisdoms. But fear not, I, post #15, have come to save the day. And what an exciting day it was. I get to work this morning and my boss comes in and says, Yeah, sorry all or our customers have today off, so I guess you can leave at noon. WOOHOOOO, half day. And what did I do with my half-day. State Inspection for my car. Yippeeee. But really, that is a good thing, because it should have been inspected last month, so I'm expired and it would have taken half my day anyway, I just would have gotten in a little trouble for it. But not this time. Whewww. Landed on my feet. like a kitty. Also, had to renew my registration. Whats that a trip to the DMV? OH NOES. HAHA, internet to the rescue. Sixty seconds and the registration is renewed. I am reading Joshua now. It reads alright. The first five books just always seem to taste better as I read them, then I get to the rest and it kinda slows down. Of course I do enjoy the book of Amos. Partially for his prophecies, but mostly because he was an ignorant, stinky, dirty sheppard. I mean, who would talk to a shepard, much less hand them prophecies. Thats crazy. Sitting around, watching some sheep when, BAM, now you have something really important to do, that will be read and remembered by people thousands of years from now. crazy.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
I finished up Deuteronomy last night. Man, I enjoy reading the Old Testement. Today starts a new book. Yippee. Also, I'm on call this weekend. It works like this, two weekends I'm off, the third I'm on. Then off two, on one. So on and So on. The great part is Its only from Memorial day to Labor day, because that is our customers busy season and they can't afford to be down for two days. They can afford it in the winter when they get one person comeing in every month. Well, this is my weekend. Its one of the three big ones, the other two being Memorial Day and Labor Day. But, this year, I have only had two calls. The one yesterday was easy and the one today only took me half an hour to get. Pretty simple problems compared to the rest of the time. Well, the lady I was talking to today asked me if she had interrupted a family bbq or something. I said no and that we had just gotten back from church. She replies with "Oh, We could really use a black man up here." BWAHAHAHAHAHA. Church == Black Man. Then she asked me to pray for them(so they live through the weekend) I told her I would. Anyway, I just thought that was really funny. Well, now its time to get my BBQ on. mmmmmmm, meat.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Lalalala, SATURDAY. I missed my chapters yesterday. Deuteronomy 24-30. I read them this morning instead. I guess that can go under the defeat column. For future reference, reading my bible everyday is not the only measure of victory and defeat. It just so happens that this is my most visible priority at the moment. That and getting prepared for the move. In my reading I have come across a series of blessings and curses. In reality, these are not blessings and curses, but a series of prophecies focused on redirecting the Isrealites toward the Lord and His law. Creating a visible path toward righteousness that can be followed with a fair amount of effort. A knowable path that leads towards life and good.
Last night we went out to a Chinese Buffet. I have never eaten at a chinese buffet that is this nice. It was beautiful. Of course, most of the food was seafood and as coragious as I think I might be, seafood creeps me out A LOT. I did eat several pieces of sushi and something with white tuna on it. Uncooked white tuna. The great thing was that none of it had that fishy flavor I hate so much. The rawness still creeped me out, but I was able to get it down. Then we went and saw Nacho Libre. Well, I don't know if it was because it was the late show, but there were only 6 of us in the theater. My, the wife, two guys down front and two people behind us. That movie was sooooo funny. We were laughing very loudly and non-stop for the first half. The only down part was it got a little serious more then half-way and wasn't able to make us laugh as much after that, but it was still hillarious. Good times were had by both of us.
Last night we went out to a Chinese Buffet. I have never eaten at a chinese buffet that is this nice. It was beautiful. Of course, most of the food was seafood and as coragious as I think I might be, seafood creeps me out A LOT. I did eat several pieces of sushi and something with white tuna on it. Uncooked white tuna. The great thing was that none of it had that fishy flavor I hate so much. The rawness still creeped me out, but I was able to get it down. Then we went and saw Nacho Libre. Well, I don't know if it was because it was the late show, but there were only 6 of us in the theater. My, the wife, two guys down front and two people behind us. That movie was sooooo funny. We were laughing very loudly and non-stop for the first half. The only down part was it got a little serious more then half-way and wasn't able to make us laugh as much after that, but it was still hillarious. Good times were had by both of us.
Friday, June 30, 2006
I'm bored, so you get stuck with another boring post about nothing. Or maybe, it will be about something. Well, first I had a thought driving home today. There are alot of church sponsered youth rallies and things like that going on. Summer camps, retreats, week-end projects and so on. At these 'church condoned' get togethers some times there are bands. These bands like to rock out, have a good time, sing uplifiting music, and such and stuff. Well, what does that teach the youth? I, as a church of Christ lifer, was never told why we didn't use instrumental music when I was growing up. It was just something we didn't do. Of course the cc music then was pretty lame, but now, there is a different flavor of it every week. Now that I am older, I still don't know a scriptural reason why we don't use instruments. The only reason that is ever explained to me is that some of the older members feel that it is inappropriate for a Sunday morning service. Well, thats a real good explaniation for the next generation. "Sure, there's this thing that you like and can listen to all week long, but not at church. Nope, the old people won't let us." Yep, that should take care of any questions kids have for next generation or two, and by then I'll be dead so I won't have to worry about it. Its just one of the things that was never explained to me growing up. Of course, I am pretty clueless about most stuff. Always the last to find out. I worry about children, a lot. Especially Middle Schoolers, they have it rough. Caught in the middle like that, its tough. People wonder why teenagers get off track, well, I think its because their armor hasn't been given to them. They get sent out into the world everyday, a world that doesn't care about them and what do they have for protction? the vast majority have nothing or very little. Maybe a small shield, an undersized helmet, a little dagger instead of the sword they should be wielding. Meh, more angst. :)
Secondly,Mark, I have clue what you were talking about in your comment. Bloglines or some such thing? Can you elaborate(sp?) on that, thanks.
EDIT:Wait, I think I found it. Did you mean WebLogs?? Cause I just turned that on.
EDIT EDIT:Ok, I found BlogLines. I'll try and figure out what the deal is with my outbound feed.
Secondly,Mark, I have clue what you were talking about in your comment. Bloglines or some such thing? Can you elaborate(sp?) on that, thanks.
EDIT:Wait, I think I found it. Did you mean WebLogs?? Cause I just turned that on.
EDIT EDIT:Ok, I found BlogLines. I'll try and figure out what the deal is with my outbound feed.
Fantastic. Some of those who are reading this(Mark) may notice a new picture in my profile. Yep, thats us. Of course this picture is 3 years old. It is a honeymoon picture actually. Of course, I've gained a little weight and the wife's hair isn't blond any more, but it still works, for now. Oh and the steak counts as a Victory.
Don't look at this if you have not eaten today. Super Steak's . Man, those are some good looking peices of meat.
Well, crud, look at that. I only posted once yesterday. How am I suppose to be an angsty twelve year old if I only post once a day. BLARGH. Oh well. I guess my real age kinda shoots that in the foot anyway. Not that I'm in to shooting twelve year olds in the foot, cause I'm not. Ok, and now if the tour will look over to the left. It is Friday. I have weekend plans. 1)Mow the lawn. 2)Watch Superman, perferably a matanee it is cheaper and it is my understanding that the movie is six and a half hours long. 3)Read something 4)Continue on my quest to modify this venue for my daily angst. 5)Deposit my pay-check. 6)Find and bug old friends on the internet. On that note, a really good friend of mine,The Ark Keeper, who I came across referred to my move as Peter Pan returning to NeverLand. Yeah, that makes me smile. :) Part of me thinks I'm building up this move to much. Most of my friends have moved away. A lot of them to Texas, some to South Carolina, a couple to the mid west. I miss them a lot. I'll survive but going back makes me miss them so much more.< /angst> Meh, I have customers backedup now. I'll write later, must keep my tweleve year old status.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
I'm making a post, just so I can have more then one post today. Also, I found even more brothers today. Alot of them are over on Oh well, I still think I'm going to to with this one for the long haul. Going to spend some time tonight tweeking my template again. Man, I have no life. I can't wait to move back to a small town. Maybe then I'll get out of the house a little.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Deuteronomy 13-17 and Psalms 12 are the chapters tonight. I think it is interesting that so many people look at God in the old testement and they choose to see the blood shed, sacrifice, death, destruction, and so on. Then they look at the new testement and they see a God who is easy going, non-confrontational, a buddy Jesus if you will. Neither of these images are acurate. In the first 12 chapters alone Moses has repeatedly told the nation of Isreal that God loves them. That he has given them laws to protect them. That he has taken care of them like they were babies. Its amazing how concerned He is with there well-being. Amazing.
I started this blog because I'm moving. Moving always makes me want to try and be better then I am right now. But this move is a little different. Usually when you move you cast off the old and disembark into the unknown. You have to find a new home, a new job, a new church, new hang-outs, and new friends. You have to pack-up your memories and leave the comfort of "home" and ship off into the sea of unknown. Well, like I said, this move is different for one reason. Instead of going to a place we don't know We are going back. I lived in this little Po-dunk town in Arkansas for 5 years and have great memories and even better friends, brothers and sisters even. Then we moved. We moved because I couldn't find a job in my field(Computers, software). We moved because I didn't want to get stuck in that little town like so many other people we knew(older people, not those our age). We moved because I wnated to be better then I was. My wife had to quit her job. We had to say goodbye to our friends. We had to say goodbye to our church(it actually met in our home). We set sail for the East Coast. For me, I was going home. For the wife, she was trusting God and me to take care of her. Here, we found work, homes, church and friends, but honestly it wasn't the same. Not as deep binding. Sure, we will miss our friends/family here, but part of me desires to go back. I know it will be different, but I can't help be feel excited about going back. That is why I started this blog. I have tried before, with LiveJournal, but I just didn't write in it everyday. I had friends there, but not what I was looking for. I can't explain it really, I just think this might be a better forum for my thoughts. I'll still read my friends that I have there, but I think this is where I'm stepping off into the unknown. This is my unknown for this move. Maybe.
I'm make an overt effort to post here everyday. Eventually I might throw some interesting things in, but for now, just be aware that I am moving things around on this page while I get the hange of modifying my template. So far, modifying simply means adding links down the left. That List should get larger today, it should also get more diversified as I add people and places and things. Yesterday at work I didn't get much done. I'm dumb for that. Then I got home, laid down on the couch, fell asleep and watched tv. Blargh, I hate it when I do that. I'll have to try something different tonight. I did get a chance to read Deuteronomy 7-12. It is difficult to read aloud, but it takes me about 20 minutes, so I figure it is strenghening my vocal cords or something. If I'm going to get anything done at work today, I have to go now.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Well, look it there. Two posts in one day. Miracles do happen. Well, I'm busy answering phone calls and slithering through the internet. I came across this article:Womb environment 'makes men gay'. It sumarizes a study that was done comparing hetero/homosexual men to the number of biological older brothers. Based on 944 men, this study feels confident claiming that the reason children from multi-child families are gay is biological. As my thoughts wonder on this, I'm reminded of the first openly gay friend I had, he was an only child. Again, my mind wonders and I can think of several other homosexuals I have know who have been only children or first children with younger brothers that do not participate in homoerotic behaviors. I will readily admit that I have not known 944 homosexual men, but I have known at least 944 men in my whole life. Some of them were the oldest brother, some were the younger brother. Some were only children, some were adopted or step-children. I myself have two little brothers, both of whom are heterosexual. Basicly, what I am saying is I don't believe the article.
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