Thursday, August 10, 2006


Ahh, so it seems I do know someone in California. I had not realized that the Kemps were vacationing there this week. Well, I hope they have a lot of fun while hanging out on the West Coast. Here on the East Coast we are getting a fair amount of rain. There is a funny thing about the rain here. Last night we went to dinner with some friends and they said, "Everytime we eat at Penn Station Subs it rains." Haha, thats funny, yeah right. Well, we ate at Penn Station and today it is raining, wow, that is kind of crazy.
Today is the day folks. In two short hours, The Princess is going to be picking up the van from the rental location, drive it back to the house, and possibly start loading. Although, I hope she does not start with out me. I am not very good at packing. I just put things in a box, fill it up, then tape it shut. It is very possible for items from different rooms to end up in the same box. That being said, I intend to make up for my lack of box packing prowis by lifting heavy objects. Also, I think people from church might stop by and help out as well. My parents will definitly help out, but I am not sure who else will show up. And then we have to feed all of them. Not necisarrily feed them alot, but something, probly pizza. Everyone likes pizza. We have a Little Ceaser's up the road, so that is a quick hit for some Hot 'N Readys. Then, a night on the air matress, half a day of work and we are on our way. Fifteen sweet, sweet hours of driving, which will probly turn into eightteen or twenty hours. Blargh. Another thing, we are not driving straight through, we are making a detour through North Carolina to see some good friends. You would think that it would take us longer, but it is only an additional two hours. So, it is not to much of a detour,crazy I know, you figure going south does not really help you get west, but this time around it does. Then a long day of driving. Followed by arriving and unpacking. Hopefully this will happen around six, but with my complete lack of urgency for this move, it will probly be later.

1 comment:

AlphaTau37 said...

The wedding I'm supposed to attend starts at 7, so after that, I'll come over and see if I can help in any form or fashion.