Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Ohhweee. And I am back. I four day whirlwind adventure to the South. We went to visit The Princess' grandmother on Friday. She is intersting. She is eighty-three years old and has always lived in Columbia,SC. I am sure you can figure out what aspect of her personality makes it an interesting visit. Then we headed down to Charleston, SC. That is a nice little town. We have some friends who live on Isle of Palms. They have lived there for thirty years, but the property there is now going for a million plus. They will not be to bad off when they finally decide to move. If they decide to move. :) Maybe they will sell it to us, for a dollar. That would be sweet. Of course, I would have to find a job there or atleast tele-commute from there. I need a sinle cup coffee pot and I am having trouble finding one. I plan on getting a hold of a grinder and buying my beans there in town. If I can find a single cup brewer then I can save some more money on that. I really thought I would have more to say after being off for four days, but I guess I do not.

Wow, I am glad that I do not live in the middle east. That is some serious violence there. Heizballa sure kicked a hornets nest this time. Now they are sending in ground troups. I sure hope we can keep our hands out of it. Put some pressure on both sides, but keep out of it. Oh, and people say that Bush needs to stop this. Stop what? These are two soverign nations that stand on their own. All we can do is ask them both to stop and come to a table to talk it out. Yes, it is tragic. Yes, we should send assistance, but there is a lot of dust that needs to setle.

There are a lot of shark attacks in SC this year. Six so far. There was one on Friday when we got there. The Grandmother warned us about them. Good thing sharks do not come onto land, unless his/her name is Kenny, but that is a Saturday Morning reference that I doubt I will get a year from now.

It has been brought to my attention that being a club sponser is a way for me to spend my time until The Princess graduates. Hmmm, not a bad idea. I might have to look into it. Oh yeah, also, I got this hit tracker, so I know how many people look at my site. MUAHAHA, I can now stalk you as you stalk me. Be Blessed.

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