Friday, June 30, 2006


Well, crud, look at that. I only posted once yesterday. How am I suppose to be an angsty twelve year old if I only post once a day. BLARGH. Oh well. I guess my real age kinda shoots that in the foot anyway. Not that I'm in to shooting twelve year olds in the foot, cause I'm not. Ok, and now if the tour will look over to the left. It is Friday. I have weekend plans. 1)Mow the lawn. 2)Watch Superman, perferably a matanee it is cheaper and it is my understanding that the movie is six and a half hours long. 3)Read something 4)Continue on my quest to modify this venue for my daily angst. 5)Deposit my pay-check. 6)Find and bug old friends on the internet. On that note, a really good friend of mine,The Ark Keeper, who I came across referred to my move as Peter Pan returning to NeverLand. Yeah, that makes me smile. :) Part of me thinks I'm building up this move to much. Most of my friends have moved away. A lot of them to Texas, some to South Carolina, a couple to the mid west. I miss them a lot. I'll survive but going back makes me miss them so much more.< /angst> Meh, I have customers backedup now. I'll write later, must keep my tweleve year old status.

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