Tuesday, November 28, 2006


ark_keeper said...

Death of a blog. Tonight at 7.

Ok, so maybe I have been a little negligent with my blog. That is ok, right. I mean it just sits here like an obedient little dog who waits, and waits, and waits for the master to come home and I am definitly master of my domain. Or something like that. Anyway, this has been a hectic month for me. This will be the first Saturday that I am at home in November. Err, except that it will be December. Oh sweet. Friday night we are soooo going to LR for Dinner and a Bank Deposit. Maybe we can squeeze in a movie as well. I do not know what is playing this weekend, but i know a nice theater and a great BBQ place to hit, so maybe that will be our plans for this Friday night. Ok, maybe not Friday night, it depends on when I get my paycheck. The company has to mail me my check, but they should get them in the office on Thursday and then get mailed out to me, hopefully I will get it on Saturday. Then we can go and deposit my check and The Princess' christmas money and eat some dinner and watch some movie. Yipee.
What else have I been up to. Well, there was the trip to Puerto Rico(ok, almost the last time I rub that in your faces). Then the next weekend I drove up to Lexington for a volleyball tournament at UK that we lost. Of course there was the other team that we beat so we were not the losingist losers, but still we did pretty bad. Also, there was the team that, well, let us just say that they were fond of the company of men. We figured that gave them an unfair advantage, you can have a very tight nit team when you have all that bonding going on. Anyway. In Lexington there is this restaurant called Rafferty's and it has the best steak ever. So, even though we lost at volleyball, we won at eating. Then this past weekend we were in South Dakota to visit my in-laws. I like my in-laws. They are a nice family who, for the most part, get along pretty well. We eat a lot when I am up there and the past couple of times we have gone out shooting. Boy, do I like to shoot guns. I am always a little timid when I start because I do not remember what all the buttons are for and what order I have to do things and I do not want to kill anyone, because that would be a bad holiday. Well, now I am back at work, just working away. Well, I think it is about time for lunch so I will talk at you later.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Did you get to try those fresh rolls at Rafferty's? Mmmmmmmmmm