Friday, June 30, 2006


I'm bored, so you get stuck with another boring post about nothing. Or maybe, it will be about something. Well, first I had a thought driving home today. There are alot of church sponsered youth rallies and things like that going on. Summer camps, retreats, week-end projects and so on. At these 'church condoned' get togethers some times there are bands. These bands like to rock out, have a good time, sing uplifiting music, and such and stuff. Well, what does that teach the youth? I, as a church of Christ lifer, was never told why we didn't use instrumental music when I was growing up. It was just something we didn't do. Of course the cc music then was pretty lame, but now, there is a different flavor of it every week. Now that I am older, I still don't know a scriptural reason why we don't use instruments. The only reason that is ever explained to me is that some of the older members feel that it is inappropriate for a Sunday morning service. Well, thats a real good explaniation for the next generation. "Sure, there's this thing that you like and can listen to all week long, but not at church. Nope, the old people won't let us." Yep, that should take care of any questions kids have for next generation or two, and by then I'll be dead so I won't have to worry about it. Its just one of the things that was never explained to me growing up. Of course, I am pretty clueless about most stuff. Always the last to find out. I worry about children, a lot. Especially Middle Schoolers, they have it rough. Caught in the middle like that, its tough. People wonder why teenagers get off track, well, I think its because their armor hasn't been given to them. They get sent out into the world everyday, a world that doesn't care about them and what do they have for protction? the vast majority have nothing or very little. Maybe a small shield, an undersized helmet, a little dagger instead of the sword they should be wielding. Meh, more angst. :)

Secondly,Mark, I have clue what you were talking about in your comment. Bloglines or some such thing? Can you elaborate(sp?) on that, thanks.

EDIT:Wait, I think I found it. Did you mean WebLogs?? Cause I just turned that on.
EDIT EDIT:Ok, I found BlogLines. I'll try and figure out what the deal is with my outbound feed.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Hey Hey Hey. This post wasn't boring to me at all, to be honest. I had the same frustration all of my life. I knew we didn't use instruments, but no one ever told me why, other than "NT scripture doesn't mention them" and something about Ananias and Saphira and unauthorized fire getting zapped by God. If that were the reason why, I'd say our reasoning is very poor. I spent quite a bit of time studying this subject, and I've come down very hard on the side that we ought not use instruments. I thought I would write a paper and explain why our a cappella thing is crap, but I discovered there are some pretty solid reasons, in my judgment, why we don't. If you really want to hear them, let me know. It's a lengthy discussion where a lot of presuppositions have to be laid on the table before proceeding. But the reasons are there, if you care to know them. I actually preached a sermon on that at church; not condemning people or picking at denominations. I just got up and explained why we don't, and a lot of people--many well into their 50's--told me of having a struggle of the same kind, and of how helpful that explanation was to them.

Bloglines is a thing that allows you to keep up with a lot of blogs at once. Instead of clicking on every little link on the side of your window every day, hoping that maybe someone wrote a new post, it tells you if any of your buddies have posted anything. That way you don't waste time checking blogs that aren't updated for sometimes months at a time (ahem...Andy Mount.. ;-) ). I suggest you sign up and try it. It saves me hours. It loads a lot like an e-mail account. It takes a little setting up, but it's well worth it. Like green eggs and ham.