Monday, September 04, 2006


And I am Home. WHEEEE.

It was along grooling drive, then my brother and pre-sister-in-law came to visit. Then we went to a wedding of a good friend. At this wedding I saw several people that I knew when I was in school. I also saw several GATA girls. I think? Because the wedding was on campus the Aramark staff was there, and I think it can be safely assumend that several of the girls on the Aramark staff are GATA. I also met a guy who knew me, but whom I had never met. Oddly enough, he knew me as shiny pants guy and never knew my name until Saturday morning. Ahhh, my college escapades live on. MUAHAHAHA. THen dinner at Charlie's and some more hanging out with my brother. Sunday involved us going to church. We ended up going to the late service, so it was some really nice singing, but the preacher was overly aggressive, raising his voice un-necisarilly and then makeing everything real quiet like. Not my cup of tea, but we are planning on trying the early service, class and sunday/wednesday nights before we decide to go somewhere else. Today, I mowed the lawn, spread pesticides, watered the pesticides and I am now sitting in Midnight Oil drinking a Mr. Blonde Milkshake, mmmm, definitly a favorite of mine. ALso, working on paying some bills, as our phone orders have been screwed up and they keep sending us the wrong phone and we have no DSL on our phone bill. Silly phone company. Hopefully we will be able to get that handeled tomorrw, when their offices are open. Well, I have to go dig a hole and clean the gutters. I'll write later, when I can steal internet access again.

Oh yeah, does anyone know if there is really free wi-fi in the parks???


ark_keeper said...

Yeah, free wi-fi launched when I was still there. Basically for parents at their kids games and trying to drive business to Searcy. It's also in the student center. Other places on campus have it also, but I think you need dormnet for it.

Mark said...

I think it's at Berryhill park.

Anonymous said...

If you went to Highway, then you ought to know that he'll forever be raising his voice for no reason. When he first came, that made me tense like nobody's business. Now, though, it no longer shocks me. He has good messages and he loves to challenge the old long standing traditions. I think he's made a few older members angry. I hate yelling preachers, though, so if you feel the same, I totally understand.

HOWEVER, we have an awesome heart group that meets Sunday evenings (during evening service) and it's amazing! The group is very diverse and loving. So, if you're interested, you're totally invited! ^_^