Wednesday, July 01, 2009

July 1, 2009

Figured I would just drop both day's runs into one post. The 30th was 3miles. Ran 10min, walk 1min, and so forth to finish it out. This morning, same distance, but I ran 1.5miles and then walked for about 1.5min, then ran out the other 1.5miles. Working my way back to a decent showing. Also still posting some pretty slow times, but those will pick up.
Work has been meh lately. I've been avoiding some of the more difficult customers. I know I'm suppose to be closing out these calls, but I haven't been performing properly. Well, all that ends tomorrow. I tried to close out some of the calls today, but tomorrow is the day I really get my butt in gear. With a three day weekend coming up I need to get these customers off the table and clean up things. Also, we have a VERY big project that we are going to start on in the next 2-3 weeks, so I need to have made some major strides before then.
I got no-showed on my follow thru. Oh well, it happens. I'll try and meet up with him this weekend, but I'm not sure how that will turn out. Between now and then I really need to apply the things I'm ready and hearing and get to steppin. I'm ready to make a big 'ol mess, I just need to get out there and do it. Dream Big...Do Big.

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