Sunday, June 28, 2009

June 28, 2009

This morning I ran about 4 miles. Took me 48 minutes. So, that is 12 minute miles. I really have to cut down my time on those and up my distance. I think the big slow down is the walking I'm doing. I'll have to start cutting that out so I can just get straight runs in. I'm pretty sure that will drop my times back down to 10min miles. Then I just have to up my speed training and I'll be set. I didn't talk to any prospects today, but I did get some reading in on the handbook. Wow, I'd read most of it once before, but now that I'm actually going to use the information in there it makes more sense. Hoping I can get some face time with some couple tomorrow night. Julie works so I'll be flying solo again. Hopefully once her part-time kicks in we can start working together on this. Until then...Dream Big, Do Big.

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