I am at work. Huzzah. The nice thing is I got paid today. Not only did I get paid, but I got PAAAIIIIDDD. Which, basicly, means I got my reimbersment check for my first month in this office. Now I just need to figure who's grubby little hands I need to put next months check into. Then it will be good. So, the last two weekends have been pretty nice. Two weekends ago Josh was here in town for a fish fry at a local church and since he was here we hung out all day on Saturday. We went to Bobby's for breakfast, and let me tell you, I do not think there is a better breakfast on the planet then Bobby's. And one of the great things about it is that the restaurant is smoke free. Does it make a big difference to me, no not reall, I would eat their even if it was not smoke free, but it was nice. And the biscits and the gravey **Dies**. Then to ThackerLand where I ended up buying a hatchet and forgetting to buy a bat. Oh well. We then hit another flea market, Hastings, GameStop, the other game place and the Tractor Supply Outlet, where I got a rake and a pick-ax. We then watched Kiss,Kiss,Bang,Bang which was hillarious and then it was time for Fish Fry. So josh wondered out the door and our good friend Scott came by very unexpectidly. He dropped off a couple of books and then ate dinner with us and we went to go see Monster House, which was actually pretty creppy good. I made it through the week and we got to finish off Fruits Basket, that is one crazy anime and apparently the first season only covers the first eight managa, so there might be a second season on down the line. I also watched Man on Fire which was a decent movie, but I feel that it was a meh performance by Denziel, it just did not do it for me. I also watched the first DVD of the FireFly series, pretty good, I enjoy it, reminds me alot of Hercules and Xena, but better. ALso, I love the space shots where the camera zooms in and out to get better focus. It is the simple things that impress me. Then this last weekend on Saturday we ended up at Gilliam Farm where it was Free Day and they had beef stew, chili, hotdogs, BBQ and all sorts of desserts. The big attraction was that you could pick all the Muskadines that you wanted. And I did, I brought home none of them. That was followed by driving to Bentonville and then Jonesboro to spend time with some friends and eat some really good steak. Sunday was church at Pineview, both times we have been there now have been guest speakers. I am begging to worry, we had really hoped to find a church that we could become very involved with. We want to take it seriously and give as much as we get, but so far we have not been able to find that place. We are doing a bible study on Sunday nights with a group of people from Covenant, and that is nice, but I think we might visit the West Pleasure Church of Christ this week, followed by a trip out to RoseBud Church of Christ. Hmm, I wonder if Church is suppose to be capitalized or not. That might offend someone. Oh well. So, that should catch everyone up on what is going on in our lives. I am working on creating a budget this week. Based on our expenses since we moved here, we should be able to find out if I can do some extra things, or if I need to get a part time job.