Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Ten more days until I get to see The Princess again. I am glad I am not in the military because I think I might just go crazy without being able to see The Princess for that long. I have a secret plan though. I plan of suprise for The Princess. MUAHAHA, she will not see it coming either and then BLAHM, SUPRISE. I hope she likes it.
For all the years that I was in college and for the time before and after that we travelled west on I-40, we have always gone one path. Drving through the Blue Ridge Mountains. Well, this last time that we went, we decided to drive through the Smokey Mountains. Yes, they are both part of the Appalachian Mountain Range, but every state calls them something different. Arkansas calls them the Ozarks, but I think ultimatly the mountains are all the same range with different names for different sections. Also, in Virginia I think they have named a lot of the mountains. Why? I do not know, but it makes hikeing a little more directional. Anyway, what I wanted to say was that this new path goes through North Carolina. And North Carolina means CHEERWINE. So, part of my evil cross country adventure involves stopping to get several bottles of CHEERWINE. For those that do not know, CHEERWINE is a carbonated beverage with a slight red color and a nice cherry taste. Not too cherry, but just enough. It is sooo good. Well, The Princess has never tasted the joy of CHEERWINE, so I intend on picking up a couple for me and a couple for her. I am so considerate, and humble too.


Mark said...

I haven't had cheerwine since I was about 12. They used to have it at my school, then they stopped having it. I always loved it. I distinctly remember getting choked one time, and having to spit a large quantity of Cheerwine onto my lunch tray. Those were the days.

ark_keeper said...

Someone's been pretty busy apparently.