Monday, August 07, 2006


This is a notice to everyone. On Saturday, August 12, 2006. I and The Princess will be make an appearance in S-town. This will be a one night only performance for me, but The Princess will be making long term arrangments with our landlord. Fear not, I shall again be making an appearance on Friday, September 1, 2006 in order to claim my place beside The Princess on the stage known as S-town. If you are wondering as to the veniue of the one night only performance, do not fret to long. We have managed to acuire our original location.

Oh, and we will gladly accept any assistance with moving into our home. Probably with bribes of pizza or some such dinner like food item.


ark_keeper said...

Stink, I work till 5 and a 5 hour drive would equal me not getting there till way too late.

Moving stinks, they need a files and settings transfer wizard for life. Glad you enjoyed the movies, that's a ton of movie watching. Ricky Bobby is hilarious.

ark_keeper said...

Oh, and I didn't get to go to QC. Too much stuff going on and WoW was too much fun this weekend.

Mark said...

Shake and bake, big daddy. If by S-Town you mean the bubble where I live, let me know, and I'll be happy to help you with any heavy lifting. We wouldn't want you to start your first full week back with hernias.

AlphaTau37 said...

I'm doing some crap on Saturday, like going to a comic book show, going to a wedding, and hanging out with Wodie (Andy). I think he has to work at 5 and I'm not sure what time the wedding is, but I'll be glad to help if I'm free. Gimme a call.