It seems that It may be harder for me to post on days where I am not at work. This reason for this is, if I am at work then there is the computer in front of me all day. On the other hand, if I am at home then the computer is in the other room and I have important things to accomplish. Now that I have explained my lack of postage I may continue on with a description of the fourth.
It started out a day like many other days, with a yawn and a sunray burning through my sleep crusted eyelid. Rolling over, I found that the Princess had already left for work. Hmmm, what shall I do to ocupy myself today. Cereal, the silence of the house wispered to me. MMMmmm, cereal. As I exited the frozen extreme of the bedroom into the sweltering inferno of the kitchen I reached for my cereal. BUM BUM BUUUMMMMMMM. Its Gone. All Gone. NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. So, I ate some wheat checks or something bland like that. Then I watched some TV and took a shower. Having heard rummors of a sale at Circuit City, I headed out into the blistering summer heat. I got to Circuit City and they were having a sale, but it had been picked over like a carcass in a field and all that was left was a hundred copies of Old Man Golf for the X-Box. This does not bode well, for I have the gaming system known as GAMECUBE. Having been twarted by the capitalist market I head over to EBGames, which is also having a sale. Their sale was even worse, five dollars off the purchase of any two Gamecube games. Um, I only want one game, I want it to be cheap, I want it to be fun. Unfortunatly, those two don't go together very often. I grabbed RE4. I had seen some friends play it and it looks to appease my gaming appetite for a while. Then, when we move, I can sell it back to someone and pick up the new Zelda. Probably have to pre-order that one. Then a race across town, looking for Starbucks in a bottle on the cheap. No, go. Once again, the capitalists have bested me with their lower prices and higher quality goods. Arriving at home, slightly defeated, I play a little of my new game. Yikes, the controls are completely different then I was expecting. Thats ok, I get the hang of it after kicking the bucket a couple of times. Now, its time to head over to BBQ #1. This is a work BBQ, so its kinda laid back and mostly small/work talk. Well, there is this guy there, Jeb or Jud, I can't remember. Well, he is from South Africa. He was interesting. Wrote this Linker for Delphi, it was called B-Linker. During the time the program would run and the user was sitting around bored, it had eyes that would blink at you because they thought that would be more interesting then the hour glass. Naturally the program became known as Blinker. TADA. Interesting fact of the day accomplished. I had a couple of cokes and a bottled water. A burger or two, some nice conversation and then it was time to be on my way. I had to meet up with the Princess and head on over to BBQ#2. While cruzing down then highway I see a state trooper has pulled over an unexpectant speeder. MUAHAHA, thats what you get you speeder type you. Well, the cop finishes with his ticket giving and speeds on past me at about eighty mph(I am going about sixty). He then proceeds to swirve from the left lane, inbetween cars to the right emergency lane, breaks hard and we all pass him. He then jumps back onto the highway speeds around for a second and pulls me over. Why hello there ossifer, take me drunk I'm to home to drive. Except I didnt' do anything. Well, almost nothing, see I had not gotten the registration stickers for my car this year. My liscense plate expired on June thirteith, it is now July the fourth. Unfortunatly for Office Ross of the Virginia State Troopers, I paid for my registration online and am currently waiting for the stickers to arrive in the mail. Thats right, don't get upset cause you missed that super speeder just to pull me over. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. He then informed me that it was illegal to have my license plate in the window. I've been living here for two years, seen atleast 150 cops driving around, been next to them in traffic, infront of them in traffice, behind them in traffice, passed them, been passed by them and not one of them has pulled me over. So I just say, There is no bracket on my car, I bought it in AR and then moved here, I have seen several other cars, I didn't think anything of it. He asks me if everyone was driving their cars off a cliff would I drive off a cliff also. Hmm, Probly not I replied. Well, don't let me catch you with your plates in your window again. Not a problem officer. Oh by the way, where would be a good place to get that bracket put on??? Grrr, anyplace, I don't care, your dumb. Ok, he didn't say that, but he thought it and then he said, Autozone, Pepboys, wherever someone should be able to help you with that. As he walks away he looks at all the crap I have in my back seat. Later officer Ross. hehehehehehehehehehehehehe. BBQ#2 was nice. It was at the church, so good folks, good food, good fellowship(the three F's). A little sun, a little lawn, a little pool time. Good to go. Then we drove down town to watch the fireworks at the baseball stadium. I wanted to go in depth about those, but already this is the post of death. Maybe later I'll elaborate on those. I hope everyone else had a good fourth of July.
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Yeah I hit up that CC sale early, got 6 games, none that I want, to sell on ebay. Not sure why, probably just cause I couldn't find what I was looking for. Spend 60 to make 80-90, whatever. RE4 is really good, I have it on PS2, but haven't finished yet cause Beth likes watching. If you get a gamestop membership, this month's magazine has buy 2 get 1 free for used games. That and trade in a system and get 20 bucks extra trade in credit.
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