Saturday, July 01, 2006


Lalalala, SATURDAY. I missed my chapters yesterday. Deuteronomy 24-30. I read them this morning instead. I guess that can go under the defeat column. For future reference, reading my bible everyday is not the only measure of victory and defeat. It just so happens that this is my most visible priority at the moment. That and getting prepared for the move. In my reading I have come across a series of blessings and curses. In reality, these are not blessings and curses, but a series of prophecies focused on redirecting the Isrealites toward the Lord and His law. Creating a visible path toward righteousness that can be followed with a fair amount of effort. A knowable path that leads towards life and good.

Last night we went out to a Chinese Buffet. I have never eaten at a chinese buffet that is this nice. It was beautiful. Of course, most of the food was seafood and as coragious as I think I might be, seafood creeps me out A LOT. I did eat several pieces of sushi and something with white tuna on it. Uncooked white tuna. The great thing was that none of it had that fishy flavor I hate so much. The rawness still creeped me out, but I was able to get it down. Then we went and saw Nacho Libre. Well, I don't know if it was because it was the late show, but there were only 6 of us in the theater. My, the wife, two guys down front and two people behind us. That movie was sooooo funny. We were laughing very loudly and non-stop for the first half. The only down part was it got a little serious more then half-way and wasn't able to make us laugh as much after that, but it was still hillarious. Good times were had by both of us.

1 comment:

ark_keeper said...

All that anime and you don't eat sushi? Shame.