Thursday, July 27, 2006


I had to take my dog to the SPCA today. There were a ton of ladies with their cats and my with my yappie little dog. I decided to take her outside to fill out my paperwork. She was still super whiney but that was ok, we were outside. Then I signed a bunch of paperwork and let her out of might sight. Forever. Well, actually till five. The Pricness is going to pick her up from the surgery this afternoon. We finally decided to get our dog broken. Most people call it getting fixed, but honestly you take your dog to the vet so they can break them from doing what they were built for. So, we say that we are taking the dog in to get broken. I know, it is dumb but we like it. When we first got our dog(Degoba) we thought about breeding her. We feel in love with the miniture shnauzzer real quick and wanted everyone else to love them also. It is not a common dog for a lot of people. My second love was the Scottish Terrier, but it looks like it might be a while before we get one of those. A good long while, especially with the move in the near future.


I got home from work last night after seven. Part of that was stoping to grab a bite to eat at my parents house. Part of that was filling up the gas in my car for slightly less the three dollars a gallon. But most of that was leaving the office at six-thirty. We have customers all across the country. This is great, but can cause a problem when someone three time zones away call and they still have six hours of business for the day and we are all leaving. So, I was staying late but it became later because I had to help this guy who has not even used the software in over a month. Their business was down. Oh Noes. Except that they have not even started to use the software on a daily bases. But yesterday it was vitally important that it work and it work right now. After calling in, he waited for one hour before starting to send threating emails about how bad our service was. Man, when I first started here, we use to have customers wait for a day or two if the support backup was bad enough. Now, they complain if they have to wait ten minutes. Now, I am working on a customer who is haveing long standing problems. But they are only able make it happen when I am not watching them. Grrr. Stupid Tech Support Magic. Why must you cause broken systems to work only while I look at them? WHY???

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Ohhweee. And I am back. I four day whirlwind adventure to the South. We went to visit The Princess' grandmother on Friday. She is intersting. She is eighty-three years old and has always lived in Columbia,SC. I am sure you can figure out what aspect of her personality makes it an interesting visit. Then we headed down to Charleston, SC. That is a nice little town. We have some friends who live on Isle of Palms. They have lived there for thirty years, but the property there is now going for a million plus. They will not be to bad off when they finally decide to move. If they decide to move. :) Maybe they will sell it to us, for a dollar. That would be sweet. Of course, I would have to find a job there or atleast tele-commute from there. I need a sinle cup coffee pot and I am having trouble finding one. I plan on getting a hold of a grinder and buying my beans there in town. If I can find a single cup brewer then I can save some more money on that. I really thought I would have more to say after being off for four days, but I guess I do not.

Wow, I am glad that I do not live in the middle east. That is some serious violence there. Heizballa sure kicked a hornets nest this time. Now they are sending in ground troups. I sure hope we can keep our hands out of it. Put some pressure on both sides, but keep out of it. Oh, and people say that Bush needs to stop this. Stop what? These are two soverign nations that stand on their own. All we can do is ask them both to stop and come to a table to talk it out. Yes, it is tragic. Yes, we should send assistance, but there is a lot of dust that needs to setle.

There are a lot of shark attacks in SC this year. Six so far. There was one on Friday when we got there. The Grandmother warned us about them. Good thing sharks do not come onto land, unless his/her name is Kenny, but that is a Saturday Morning reference that I doubt I will get a year from now.

It has been brought to my attention that being a club sponser is a way for me to spend my time until The Princess graduates. Hmmm, not a bad idea. I might have to look into it. Oh yeah, also, I got this hit tracker, so I know how many people look at my site. MUAHAHA, I can now stalk you as you stalk me. Be Blessed.

Friday, July 21, 2006


La lala lalala lala. I do not know, just humming a tune. Shooo, I am really excited about this move. It is like when you go back to summer camp. You have great memories of what it was like last time. Old friends you have known for years, newer friends that you made the last time you were there and the prospect of meeting new people completely. I don't know how to explain it, except by saying it is that pre-camp anxiety that is a twist of excitment about the known and eagerness for the new. When you know that you are on your own for a week to handle whatever camp throws at you. Anyway, we still haven't left for the Weekend of Adventure. But we should be leaving soon. Wow, we really are late. Peace.

Today is first Kings 1-15 or something like that. I have really slacked off on my reading. Grrrr, that goes as a defeat. Also, I saw this guy yesterday who probly could have used a lunch. I am a little jaded from the last time I bought a guy lunch. Usually, I sit inside with them and try to talk to them about their life and stuff. I do not know how much of it is real, but it is usually interesting. The last guy was a real pro though, we walked in to the Subway and he knew the staff by name. He still needed a lunch, but I hate it when people are profesional beggers. I will help anyone out at any time, it is just money, and it is not even mine. But professinoals really steam my pot. Be Blessed.

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Ah, an end to another productive week of work. What is that you say, you still have to go to work tomorrow because it is Friday. MUWAHAHA. I do not have to go to work tomorrow. I am taking the day off. We are driving down to the big SC and seeing some of The Princess' family before the big move. We are also going to mooch off of some friends while we are at it. Huzzah for mooching. The land lords are going to be showing our house this weekend so I have to help clean up. I will try and update from the road if I can. If not, then I hope we all have nice weekends.

Oh yeah, my wife is beautiful.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Yesterday was carzy here. I know that everyone else is getting the heat as well, but yesterday was one-hundred and five degrees here. On top of that I locked myself out of my house while I was on my lunch break. I had to sit infront of my house for fifteen minutes waiting for a ride to work. The princess had turned her phone off and she is the only other person with a key. Then I had to wait outside after work for another thirty minutes. I know, how terrible, having to wait outside for a whole fourty-five minutes. Oh my, what ever shall we do. Well, it was not that bad, it is just out of the ordinary for me.
Today was a little bit better. I only managed to almost kill myself once. I was driving home and lost focus for a second. Just kind of drifted off. When I come round a corner and there is a stop light. I am about to go through said light when this ginormous black SUV slides out from behind a bush and starts to cross the street. For two seconds I thought to myself, why is that SUV crossing my lane, I have the green. Coming out of my daze I realize, shoot a monkey, I have the red. I hit the breaks hard and did not kill myself or anyone in the SUV.
Work was ok today. I had to rewrite some code to make our software do something it probly should have done from the beggining anyway. Part of me wonders what I am going to do all day with out tech calls anymore and Part of me is craving that sweet sweet scilence that I can break wide open with some intenet radio station. I figure it will be something like 700 days in that office by myself. I hope I don't go crazy. Of course, I will have all my faithful readers to keep me company. And yes, I count myself in that crowed.


I thought this might be humorous. You can make your own.

Monday, July 17, 2006


Today was a pretty good day at work. I got customers fixed. I also got some programming done. I've been working on a time tracking program and makeing some good head way. I'm going to have to rework some stuff to deal with users not having enough permisson to get all the info. I will figure it out.
Volleyball was tonight. We went 4-2. Of course the first three were wins because the other team forfeited. Then we played a team that is ranked below us, lost two but where able to pull it out on the last play to win 21-20. We had to stop for time. We only get sixty minutes to play because there are only four courts and something like twelve teams. Everybody playes two matches. I have really enjoyed playing on this team, but tonight was kinda lame. We had two new guys on the court tonight and the team just didn't mesh. Maybe next week we will play together better. I hope so, I was really enjoying that team alot. When I move I know I will miss it.
This weekend were heading down to South Carolina. The princess has the weekend off and she figures that we can visit her East Coast family before we move on and might not come back. Then its less then a month till we move all our stuff. I can not believe were moving back. Almost feels like going home. Of course a lot of the people I knew in town have moved on, but I think there are enough there to make it a good time. I am also under the impression that several individuals make it back frequently. Also, I was looking for office space, but the only stuff I could find was almost an hour away. Well, not any more. I found some office space in a house that a realator turned into an office building. If my boss sets it up then I should be able to ride my bike to work everyday. My wife will probly walk to campus, I will be riding my bike, and we probly will only drive to LR to deposit my paychecks. It is looking like high gas prices will have little effect. HU RAH, take that Hazballah.


A favorite quote of mine is: "I hope your marriage ends in death." Now, on first glance, that is a creepy thing to say. I guess you have to know where I found this one. I was working at Harding Place, I feed the old people breakfast and lunch. On my last day of work there this old man called me over to his table. and he sang me a song(he liked to sing old 20's-30's songs) and then he says to me, "I hope your marriage ends in death." This seventy/eighty year old man, doubled over with a cane, white hair and a tiny doubled over wife, spoke an amazing profound word. Creepy at first, but when you think about it you hope that your marriage does end in death. You don't want it to end with adultery, distrust or ireconcialable differences. You want it to end with death. Not today, but someday along time from now. It is an amazing concept when you consider the rate of divorce "scientific" studies tell us. So, for all my married friends out there, I pray that your marriage ends in death. Be Blessed.


Ha, Fake Post Attack to the Face.

Friday, July 14, 2006


This is a post to say, yesterday was not a good day. Do you know why? I say. Well because I have a drug addiction O'lay. Now, wonder for a minute if you may. How I could be in such a situation of dismay? I will tell you why I act like scratchy hay. It is the caffine in coffee that makes me this way. Three sunrises without a cup of joe to start my day. No caffine in my blood to make me dance array. Caffine you have me in your tight little clay. I will escape your grasp no matter how tough the fray. I will fight, I will win, but probly tomorrow, I had Mountain Dew for breakfast. I am caffine induced happy today.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


I just realized my profile does not include GATA. One of the female social clubs where I went to school. I was/am a beau for them. I can not believe that we are moving next month. I am buying myself a plane ticket to get back here after we move all our stuff out there. August is going to be some kinda crazy.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Hmmm, more postage. It always makes me laugh everytime the word poindexter is used in a movie. hehe. It is really funny because I know a family of Poindexters. Last night I stopped to get gas on my way home from volleyball. I did the pay-at-pump, ran inside bought a gatorade and was on my way. Tonight we went to the store to buy dinner. I pulled out my wallet, no credit card. Oh crud. I left it on top of the pump at the gas station. I called the cc company and they said that the gas station was my last purchase, I closed the card and they are sending me a new one. HuraH. Tonto, jump on it. Well, work today was pretty good. I only had one guy who was super pissed at us. I took care of him and I think we might actually make some money off it. He will probly switch cc processors and the new one gives us a kickback. Turn the negative into a positive. I do have to write a short script to fix his problem though. It is all good.


Two days without a post filled with content. How have you survived. You haven't have you, you are all dead. I know it. It is true, there is no need to confirm it. You are all dead and have become zombies. Don't worry, I will be gentle when I have to put you down. It will be one clean strike to the head and it will be all over.
You may have noticed a skip in numbers for my titles. It goes from #21 to #23. That is because post #22 is still a draft. A friend of mine is having some troubles and asked me for advice. I wanted to write out my advice so I could proof read it and make sure it made sense. Well, work was crazy yesterday and I had volleyball last night, so I was unable to really spend the time on it that I needed to. The thing is she asked me for advice in an area I know very little about. Basicly I told her that any advice I had would be dumb, but that I would pray for wisdom and for her and we would see what we get. Well, I think I have some advice for her now. So, I don't think I'm going to post it here anyways, it will probly just stay a draft until I need it some day in the future.
Yesterday at work was crazy. I have been working on writing a time clock that blends in with our software. Its going pretty good, yesterday I got alot done. Then the phones when crazy. CRAZY I TELL YOU. I was on one guys computer for about an hour and then he says, "Hey our internet is back up, do you want to get onto the real comptuer that you should have been working on this whole time???" No, I do not. I do not want to get on to the computer that is having the problem. No, I do not want to fix your problem so that you will be able to use the software. No, let us keep working on this computer that no one will ever use. Yeah, that steamed my pot a little.
Volleyball last night was a blast. I'm really enjoying this men's team. Argh, I can not believe I wasted two years playing co-ed teams and bad men's teams. This is so much fun it might just be illegal in thirty-two states. I ran about fifteen middle quicks last night. OH YEAH. Of course they were not very good hits but they were points, sweet sweet points. The two setters on my team are not use to setting the quicks so I figure we can work it out in the next couple of weeks. The other teams will learn to fear us. FEAR US I SAY. MUAHAHA.
Our Registration stickers came in the mail yesterday as well. I put those bad boys on and now I drive around in comfort. No longer worried that someone will pull me over and try to give me a ticket. Wasting our collective time.
I could go on about the good things from yesterday, but I think I will wait a little bit and post those later today. More posts today makes up for no real posts yesterday , right?

No zombies were harmed in the making of this blog post

Monday, July 10, 2006


NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I finally missed a day. Well, poo. I'll have to make up for it later.

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Looks like I've slacked off on posting. Still making one post a day, so that makes me feel nice. We saw MI:III last night. Much to our dismay, we actually liked the movie. Lots and Lots of action, not so much drama. I also watched DodgeBall for the first time this week. MUAHAHAHAHA, thats really funny. The extra stuff on the DVD is pretty funny also. hehehehe. I'm going to watch it again.
I mowed the lawn at church this morning. It took three hours. The first summer we had the eighteen acers I was out there every other week. That usually took me five to six hours, but now we split it up so it doesn't take as long. It is very relaxing to get out there and just cut the grass.

Friday, July 07, 2006


Its Friday Night and the mood is right. Gonna have some fun, show you how it's done. TGIF. Anyway, We are going to see MI:III tonight. We have this old theater in town that shows two dollar movies on Friday/Saturday nights. They show all sorts of crazy old stuff as well as newer movies. Also, I figure Tom Cruize won't see much of my four dollars as opposed the the seventeen I would spend at the other theaters. Same movie, same size screen, same size explosions, way less money. Sounds good to me. Work was pretty good today. I am way behind on bible reading. I think I am eight chapters back now. I missed one day and haven't been able to catch back up. I will try and make it up this weekend at some point.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


This is pretty sweet. I imagine it will be 20 some odd years before it makes huge progress, but combine this with E-85 and hybrid technologies and we are on the road to success.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


It seems that It may be harder for me to post on days where I am not at work. This reason for this is, if I am at work then there is the computer in front of me all day. On the other hand, if I am at home then the computer is in the other room and I have important things to accomplish. Now that I have explained my lack of postage I may continue on with a description of the fourth.

It started out a day like many other days, with a yawn and a sunray burning through my sleep crusted eyelid. Rolling over, I found that the Princess had already left for work. Hmmm, what shall I do to ocupy myself today. Cereal, the silence of the house wispered to me. MMMmmm, cereal. As I exited the frozen extreme of the bedroom into the sweltering inferno of the kitchen I reached for my cereal. BUM BUM BUUUMMMMMMM. Its Gone. All Gone. NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. So, I ate some wheat checks or something bland like that. Then I watched some TV and took a shower. Having heard rummors of a sale at Circuit City, I headed out into the blistering summer heat. I got to Circuit City and they were having a sale, but it had been picked over like a carcass in a field and all that was left was a hundred copies of Old Man Golf for the X-Box. This does not bode well, for I have the gaming system known as GAMECUBE. Having been twarted by the capitalist market I head over to EBGames, which is also having a sale. Their sale was even worse, five dollars off the purchase of any two Gamecube games. Um, I only want one game, I want it to be cheap, I want it to be fun. Unfortunatly, those two don't go together very often. I grabbed RE4. I had seen some friends play it and it looks to appease my gaming appetite for a while. Then, when we move, I can sell it back to someone and pick up the new Zelda. Probably have to pre-order that one. Then a race across town, looking for Starbucks in a bottle on the cheap. No, go. Once again, the capitalists have bested me with their lower prices and higher quality goods. Arriving at home, slightly defeated, I play a little of my new game. Yikes, the controls are completely different then I was expecting. Thats ok, I get the hang of it after kicking the bucket a couple of times. Now, its time to head over to BBQ #1. This is a work BBQ, so its kinda laid back and mostly small/work talk. Well, there is this guy there, Jeb or Jud, I can't remember. Well, he is from South Africa. He was interesting. Wrote this Linker for Delphi, it was called B-Linker. During the time the program would run and the user was sitting around bored, it had eyes that would blink at you because they thought that would be more interesting then the hour glass. Naturally the program became known as Blinker. TADA. Interesting fact of the day accomplished. I had a couple of cokes and a bottled water. A burger or two, some nice conversation and then it was time to be on my way. I had to meet up with the Princess and head on over to BBQ#2. While cruzing down then highway I see a state trooper has pulled over an unexpectant speeder. MUAHAHA, thats what you get you speeder type you. Well, the cop finishes with his ticket giving and speeds on past me at about eighty mph(I am going about sixty). He then proceeds to swirve from the left lane, inbetween cars to the right emergency lane, breaks hard and we all pass him. He then jumps back onto the highway speeds around for a second and pulls me over. Why hello there ossifer, take me drunk I'm to home to drive. Except I didnt' do anything. Well, almost nothing, see I had not gotten the registration stickers for my car this year. My liscense plate expired on June thirteith, it is now July the fourth. Unfortunatly for Office Ross of the Virginia State Troopers, I paid for my registration online and am currently waiting for the stickers to arrive in the mail. Thats right, don't get upset cause you missed that super speeder just to pull me over. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. He then informed me that it was illegal to have my license plate in the window. I've been living here for two years, seen atleast 150 cops driving around, been next to them in traffic, infront of them in traffice, behind them in traffice, passed them, been passed by them and not one of them has pulled me over. So I just say, There is no bracket on my car, I bought it in AR and then moved here, I have seen several other cars, I didn't think anything of it. He asks me if everyone was driving their cars off a cliff would I drive off a cliff also. Hmm, Probly not I replied. Well, don't let me catch you with your plates in your window again. Not a problem officer. Oh by the way, where would be a good place to get that bracket put on??? Grrr, anyplace, I don't care, your dumb. Ok, he didn't say that, but he thought it and then he said, Autozone, Pepboys, wherever someone should be able to help you with that. As he walks away he looks at all the crap I have in my back seat. Later officer Ross. hehehehehehehehehehehehehe. BBQ#2 was nice. It was at the church, so good folks, good food, good fellowship(the three F's). A little sun, a little lawn, a little pool time. Good to go. Then we drove down town to watch the fireworks at the baseball stadium. I wanted to go in depth about those, but already this is the post of death. Maybe later I'll elaborate on those. I hope everyone else had a good fourth of July.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Making a post on the fourth of July.
I am a busy crazy guy.

Jump all around, make a big noise.
Watch the people play with exploding toys.

Crazy fourth, your the loudest.
Americans seem to be proudest.

Yep, this post fills my one a day quota.
Ill fill in specifics tomorrow.

Monday, July 03, 2006


Well, that was close. A day almost went by without my filling the internet with my great wisdoms. But fear not, I, post #15, have come to save the day. And what an exciting day it was. I get to work this morning and my boss comes in and says, Yeah, sorry all or our customers have today off, so I guess you can leave at noon. WOOHOOOO, half day. And what did I do with my half-day. State Inspection for my car. Yippeeee. But really, that is a good thing, because it should have been inspected last month, so I'm expired and it would have taken half my day anyway, I just would have gotten in a little trouble for it. But not this time. Whewww. Landed on my feet. like a kitty. Also, had to renew my registration. Whats that a trip to the DMV? OH NOES. HAHA, internet to the rescue. Sixty seconds and the registration is renewed. I am reading Joshua now. It reads alright. The first five books just always seem to taste better as I read them, then I get to the rest and it kinda slows down. Of course I do enjoy the book of Amos. Partially for his prophecies, but mostly because he was an ignorant, stinky, dirty sheppard. I mean, who would talk to a shepard, much less hand them prophecies. Thats crazy. Sitting around, watching some sheep when, BAM, now you have something really important to do, that will be read and remembered by people thousands of years from now. crazy.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


I finished up Deuteronomy last night. Man, I enjoy reading the Old Testement. Today starts a new book. Yippee. Also, I'm on call this weekend. It works like this, two weekends I'm off, the third I'm on. Then off two, on one. So on and So on. The great part is Its only from Memorial day to Labor day, because that is our customers busy season and they can't afford to be down for two days. They can afford it in the winter when they get one person comeing in every month. Well, this is my weekend. Its one of the three big ones, the other two being Memorial Day and Labor Day. But, this year, I have only had two calls. The one yesterday was easy and the one today only took me half an hour to get. Pretty simple problems compared to the rest of the time. Well, the lady I was talking to today asked me if she had interrupted a family bbq or something. I said no and that we had just gotten back from church. She replies with "Oh, We could really use a black man up here." BWAHAHAHAHAHA. Church == Black Man. Then she asked me to pray for them(so they live through the weekend) I told her I would. Anyway, I just thought that was really funny. Well, now its time to get my BBQ on. mmmmmmm, meat.

Saturday, July 01, 2006


Lalalala, SATURDAY. I missed my chapters yesterday. Deuteronomy 24-30. I read them this morning instead. I guess that can go under the defeat column. For future reference, reading my bible everyday is not the only measure of victory and defeat. It just so happens that this is my most visible priority at the moment. That and getting prepared for the move. In my reading I have come across a series of blessings and curses. In reality, these are not blessings and curses, but a series of prophecies focused on redirecting the Isrealites toward the Lord and His law. Creating a visible path toward righteousness that can be followed with a fair amount of effort. A knowable path that leads towards life and good.

Last night we went out to a Chinese Buffet. I have never eaten at a chinese buffet that is this nice. It was beautiful. Of course, most of the food was seafood and as coragious as I think I might be, seafood creeps me out A LOT. I did eat several pieces of sushi and something with white tuna on it. Uncooked white tuna. The great thing was that none of it had that fishy flavor I hate so much. The rawness still creeped me out, but I was able to get it down. Then we went and saw Nacho Libre. Well, I don't know if it was because it was the late show, but there were only 6 of us in the theater. My, the wife, two guys down front and two people behind us. That movie was sooooo funny. We were laughing very loudly and non-stop for the first half. The only down part was it got a little serious more then half-way and wasn't able to make us laugh as much after that, but it was still hillarious. Good times were had by both of us.