Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A wakeup call to myself

So, here I am again. Several months with no information posted. No updates, no pictures, nothing. If someone was to stumble across this they might think I had given up on the internet and bought 100 acres of wilderness in the upper northwest. Built a log cabin and setup a self-sustaining community where we grow our own crops and hunt our own meat. Well, if that was your guess then you were not to far off. Well, except that instead of upper northwest we live in Virgina. Oh, and instead of log cabin we live in an apartment. Also, instead of growing and hunting we go to Wal-mart and Target. Besides those three things they would be absolutly correct about my life for the past 5 months.
Last Saturday I ran 16 miles. That's right, if you want you can go back wipe your eyes and read that again. 16 miles. At once. It took me about three and a half hours, but I got it done. The run was not to bad either. Actually, it was a lot of fun. I have been continually amazed over the past 5 months at how much running my body can actually stand. I have been running 4 days a week(Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday) with my longest run being on Saturday. If you must know I'm training for a marathon. On November 15, 2008 I will be running in the Richmond Marathon. When I signed up it asked me for a finish time and I put in 5:30(yes thats hours). I'm hopeing that I can drop my time to under 5:00 but moving out here to has seen my ~10min miles drop to ~12min miles. I have really worked hard the last two weeks to get closer to the 10min mark, but it has been slow work. I'm definitly planning on continuing to run after Nov. 15. Then, my distances will probly get shorter(more like 5-8 mile runs) but I definitly want to keep up the 4 days a week. One of the unforseen benefits has been the weight loss. Well, not really weight loss, as I'm still around 210, but more like fat loss. Every time I run my pants fit less and less. I started having to buy pants with a 38 waist(before the running) but now I have trouble keeping my 36s up with out my belt and that just looks funny.
Well, I'm hopeing to have more to say here. Stuff about books I've read or lectures I've listened to. Probly not so much about politics, but maybe. I am certainly a product of the system when it comes to that. I do not do a lot of investigating and I definitly feel strongly about certain things so some working that out might end up here. Well, until next time(hopefully not 5 months.) Peace.

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