Tuesday, February 26, 2008


This last weekend I went with my wife to St. Louis for three days. I know there are more the a couple people I know living there and I'm sorry that I didn't get an opportunity to see ya'll, but we spent the entire time at the Edward Jones Dome. So, if any of you were downtown this weekend and were suddenly swarmed by a lot of people wearing suits and red ties. Sorry about that. I ended up taking about half a legal pad worth of notes, which is less then usual, but I still think I got a lot of good information that I need to review.
I'm deciding to become a ferocious learner and this is the place where I'm going to try and work out the stuff I'm learning. For instance, this week I'm reading a book called Launching a Leadership Revolution. It sits pretty high on a couple of best seller lists and I have met the guys who wrote it. I read part of it once, but got distracted by other things in my life. So, this week on my business trip to Minneapolis I am going to read it all the way through. I'm also going to try and write about the stuff I'm reading so I can work it out on paper. A lot of the time my mind works things out that don't make sense but once I say them or write them out I realize how wrong the thoughts were.

P.S. The guys who wrote that book Chris Brady & Orrin Woodward have blogs at http://chrisbrady.typepad.com/ and http://orrinwoodward.blogharbor.com/ They have some really amazing stuff about leadership stuff and update their pages almost everyday.

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